Wednesday, July 14, 2021


Aging Out

By Vonia Martin

My idea is this: 

The set would be a ranch that is finantially in trouble. It's run down, so needs lots of minor repairs. The animals need attention including vet care. The roof leaks in main house. There are several buildings on property including a barn, chicken coop, and several shacks. The land needs attention to get it ready for planting.


To turn the ranch into a self sustaining enterprise. Meaning it needs no outside help to support itself. As a matter of fact the ranch makes enough money to support a small staff that cares for everything pertaining to the ranch. 

List of potential money generating ideas; eggs, dairy, food, art, and any product the foster kids come up with.

Players; Me or someone else, a handy man, and about a dozen kids aging out of the system. A couple of professionals to help with any mantal issues and to keep an eye on everything.

Every morning starts with a brain storming, clearing the air, bitch session and meeting to discuss all things ranch and foster care. Everyone has a voice in this meeting and everyone's ideas are heard and seriously considered before implemented or tossed aside. 

The young adults that are chosen for this show should be aging out of the system and have no place to go. They aren't the best or the worse just some where in between. Obviously, they will have different levels of intelligence but should have the basics down i.e. reading, writing, math, and science. No real special abilities or talent but not void of them either. Six girls and six boys with the same sleeping quarters. These kids need to be able to have relationships that don't enclude sex. It maybe the only way they were able to survive but that is over now they never have to deal with that shit again. 

Many will come with their own baggage so we must be prepared to deal with a variety of problems. Maybe at least have me on the initial show where I can talk with them and set the stage for the best possable out come.  

Kids must be in good physical shape with no diseases or chronic illness. Mental health is a different story. No child aging out of the system is of good mental standing. We will seek the least mentally destroyed kids possible. 

Actually I want to pick the kids. At the end I want to give the ranch to the kids that starred in the show. 

These kids would other wise never know home ownership or a possitive future that they worked for and earned. Hopefully, they will then find other kids aging out of the system and teach them to manage the ranch and pass it to them when they die and on it should go. 

Mostly I want to shed a light on the every day stuggles these young adults go through just to get through the day. I want people to know what it means not to have family. People should be aware of how rare it is for these kids to reach adulthood, let alone reach retirement age. How little to no programs exist to assist these kids to enter the work force and succeed. Once they age out they are on their own with little to no knowledge on how to get along in the "real" world. 

Products made by the kids at the ranch will be on display and ready to sell at the end of each program. All the proceeds go directly to the artist or an account set up for them for their future education or investment money. 

A finacial institution should step forward and volunteer to handle these kid's money. We are talking about children that have never had anything in their life. This is it for them so every effert should be made to keep this money safe yet making more money for the future of these kids. They need to know and understand the power of money and to keep it in perspective. Never does it have more value then animals, people, or Mother Nature. The planet should always come first because without it we all die. These kids deserve a future and a chance to secure the future of kids that have yet to enter the system.

It would be so nice if instead of foster kid they were called students of cultural differences. Student is a much more optimistic word giving hope to the future with knowledge. Knowledge is power but I understand not wanting to be responsible for what goes wrong. Not to worry I will handle this part. For some reason I have   foresightbeen given the gift of common sense and foresight not to mention deducive reasoning(it only took me 5 times to ge that right)


Sunday, July 11, 2021



This is not the same chart I received before. It makes me believe this is bullshit. No one’s chart should change but because I am a foster kid not a kid any more but aged out of the system I was denied my birth chart until I “earned” it, so to speak. I mean, who gives up a kid with a chart like mine? It seams impossible but yet it happened. I also have an IQ of 137, or greater, but they took that from me too. I wish I knew why my life has been the way it is because I could have really been someone. For whatever reason this is my life and until recently my chart reflected what my life has been “Nothing”. Something changed though and now I have my real chart, thank you very much. I believe I wrote something that earned me the truth. The truth is that someone or several someones dropped the ball when it comes to me. Starting with seeing the stupid gorilla instead of remembering the numbers I was to remember. Then telling my adopted mom I cheated on the IQ test. Then claiming that stupid machine thingy was broken, both of them, when it tested me at the Scientology building in California and Colorado. How does that happen? I even took a couple of seminars to “clear” myself but some how I cheated that as well. No one wants me to be anything so I am not even though I have tried. My real name was Vonia Sue Smith then my mom’s sixth husband adopted me and I became Vonia Sue Blastow then I was adopted again and my named changed to Vonia Sue Martin. I did meet my real mom when I was 21 and she told me at what time I was born because it is not on my adopted birth certificate. That did not change my lying chart though. That didn’t change until after I was 50.

Monday, June 28, 2021



By V. Martin

If the government and other lenders really want to help the children of tomorrow stop charging interest on student loans. How irresponsible of us to allow this! Isn’t it hard enough as it is to make it in the world today without starting off in debt?  If we have to pay interest on the knowledge we gain from a higher education then all further knowledge on that subject will be free for as long as they are being charged interest on the money it took to gain that knowledge. Or something like that. People that are not able to make a living from the knowledge they gained in college should not be charged interest. Those that are should have to pay interest as long as they make money from that knowledge even after the loan is paid.

No one wants to be made to pay back money they never borrowed yet that is exactly what is happening to me. Not only did I not borrow money for school that year I had dropped out before the tuition deadline but I’m being charged for it anyway. On top of that none of the money I have paid so far has been subtracted from the balance. Now who would continue to pay on a loan they never got and the one they did get never goes down no matter how much has been pay? No one!

They hook you by promising student loan forgiveness but they do not mean it. All they mean to do is take more of your money, make it look like you just got the loan, and have made no payment. Try getting any where in life with bad credit. My boyfriend has a bankruptcy on his credit but his credit score is higher than mine! WTF? All that is on my credit is this stupid student loan and yet it is enough to make my interest rates 23-25% on the few credit cards I qualify for. My car insurance for just liability was $70 a month because of my poor score. Never have I used any of the knowledge gained by taking the classes I will never be able to pay for to make money. 

My last point on the subject, I promise.

I aged out of the system in Arizona after they let my adopted mom disown me after meeting and marrying a man who didn’t want me there. So the state of Arizona became my parent and therefore should pay for my higher education, like any good parent would. Even if I was a poor student as long as I was trying, they might of even got me a tutor to ensure my success. As it was no one helped me even when it was obvious I needed it.

What’s wrong with you people that you let someone like me slip through the cracks? What bullshit did you tell yourself in order to make it alright to throw me under the bus?  I am not like other people!!!!


Give Kids Until They are 21

by. V. Martin

Keep kids until they are 21 so they won't drive until they are 18. This will help save our planet. 

Saturday, June 26, 2021


Save The Planet

by V. Martin

This is a lot to ask but if I have my way you will get some thing back. If all you kids would agree not to drive until you're 18 you're parents will be responsible for you until you are 21. We should be extending childhood since we are living so much longer. We need kids concentrating on their studies and staying in school. School should be extended too, 9th-14th should be high school grades. Pre-school should start right afther birth with virtual instructors and Zoom visits. Kids should start grade school as soon as they are out of diapers, walking, and talking they should be going to school.  This age may differ slightly for everyone, it will be up to the teachers to bring them all to the same level. Childhood is the best time of our lives, or so it should be, shouldn't we add some of the years extending our life to the front of it? If the young adults of the world would take it apon themselves to lead the way in saving their planet the  adults may step up to do the same. Maybe not quit driving but recycling, planting some trees, volunteering, and just being more aware of our individual impact on the world. Not driving until you are 18 may not be the last thing society asks of you in the hopes of controlling global warming because your impact is just beginning. The habits you form now will have a lasting effect on the quality of life you lead in the future. So many things influence our health because it all leads back into itself and if we would stop jamming up the process things would correct themselves. We have to do the immpossible, step back and do nothing just like we have been doing only some of us have to go back to work. We can't keep doing what we've been doing or we are all going to die along with all other life on the planet.
As a human being, a conscientious life form with the ability to communicate through language our ideas, experiences, and feelings we are responsible for the rest of Mother's life forms that have no such abilities. She didn't create all the different animals just so we could kill them. We have eyes to observe the rest of the wonders around us so we can appreciate them, not destroy them. We have lungs to breathe fresh air not choke on the exhaust from trucks and cars zooming by. We have ears to listen to birds, the wind, bugs, and predators that might do us harm. We have a nose to smell the flowers and animals marking their territory. 
If we allow her to do her thing she takes care of her own and guess what we are her own. It may be hard at first but it will get easier as we witness her correcting the mess we have made. 
Oh boy, I'm starting to ramble so that's it for now. Thank you for reading and considering what I've written here.


Tuesday, October 20, 2020



By Vonia Martin

The only people that tell you not to be negative are the ones that are fixing to hurt you and they want to blame you for it. Don't fall for this bullshit! If they truly want you to be positive they would create positive situations in your life, they would start by telling you something positive.  When someone tells you not to do something, they are being negative so they need to first practice their own advice before telling me what to do. I am all for being the example not the exception, actions speak louder then words. Of course, they still may not take my advice but that's on them. 
People are probably wondering what I mean when I said that orphans are going to be more valuable then anyone else on the planet. I say this in all honesty because who has the smallest carbon foot print on the planet besides the indigenous peoples? Orphans and/or foster kids; that's who. We know how to live with and on practically nothing. We know how to make things last, squeezing every last drop of blood out of the turnip, if you will. Yes, we can get blood from a turnip, you just have to know how to squeeze it. Foster kids hardly ever own anything, only what people have given them. They usually don't drive because they don't have a drivers license or even a birth certificate.  We usually have the decency to die young, for obvious reasons. It's hard to convince someone to live when they have no one to live for. Not to mention the collective subconscious telling you, in not so subtle ways, to kill yourself before becoming more of a burden.
I doubt we will ever be able to figure out the secrets of the universe when we can't even take care of our own Mother! Or children some mothers abandon. As long as we are committing crimes against her we are committing crimes against ourselves and ultimately God, if you want to believe that kind of thing. All I do know is that Mother Nature is real, science is real, devine intervention maybe here in the form of a virus. Wake up before you end up dead.
Our planet and the creatures on it are at our mercy yet we display none. We are relentless in our pursuit of happiness and the American way, with not a care about the damage being done in that pursuit. Maybe this is why other countries don't like us, because we are so reckless with our only resource; earth.  How irresponsible of us to not change because this planet is and its not into something we are going to like. How much time have we allowed to pass without really doing anything different. The crimes we commit against this planet are crimes we commit against every living creature that resides here. We have a forehead and a chin so we can communicate to eachother in ways animals can't, they have no voice that we can understand. So what about paying attention to the rest of them? They have bodies that also speaks a language we all speak if we pay enough attention we maybe able to figure out what it is they are saying. 
Soon we won't be able to find animals in the wild, only in a zoo.  Won't that be a hoot? There is nothing more unnatural then a caged animals but soon that will be the only place you can find them.
How ignorant we are to the effects of our actions until we cannot ignore them any more because they are too great. For so long we pretended to not be able to change the planet. We decided that the ocean was to vast for all our waste to ever harm it or its occupents no matter how much pollution we dump in it. It was our god given right to rape and pillage the land, leaving in our wake a waste land fit for no animal to live.  
Orphans and foster kids know how to be alone, do you?
All I'm saying is that if we don't start doing what's best for Earth the virus is only the beginning. 
There was a time when we didn't have transportation, other then horses and we didn't always treat them very well either.  As a species we have to collectively decide to stop with the stupidity!  If we are unaware of the consciquences of our actions we should stop until we know what they are and if they are worth the harm they are creating.
We need to add a few subjects to our school curriculum; sustainability, renewable energy, reversing human effect on the planet.  Not that my feelings count for anything but I have a feeling if we become true advocates for Mother Nature she will reveal the secrets we need to travel through space and time.  I know this sounds stupid mainly because most people think I am but I'm not so here it geos anyway. What if we switch the line up and travel through time and space instead?  It's probably nothing but we have to try. It makes sense to me that if we solve the time travel problem space will just fall in line. 
Speaking of space what if dark matter is other planets? They have to be some where and in the way of light is a good way to determine where they are or the absence of it. When I look at the pictures of space and the dark blotches scattered across the universe I think "what the hell is in the way? Why can't I fallow that ray of light to its start?" I'm not saying that some of it isn't dark matter but maybe planets are what we think is dark matter? It's important to find out because there maybe a planet a lot closer to us then we know. 

Saturday, September 26, 2020



By Vonia Martín 

The reason I know this is because I had to weigh my options since I’m still here and aged out of the system. I didn't want to be a statistic but never realized that is all we are. It means I have out lived my desirability. I’ve been luckier then most but through no fault  of mine. Killing myself is out of the question so that left prison but I can’t hurt someone else. So what victimless crime could I commit where no one gets hurt and won’t cost the state, city, of federal government too much money but won’t get early release. Then it occurred to me, a crime that has already been committed. Not wanting to be responsible for leaving a dangerous person free to do it again, I would have to kill them if they weren’t already dead. This made so much sense that it sucked the air right out of me when I realized I’m not the only one to think this. All I did was follow the path I was on to its logical conclusion only there wasn’t one. 
My point is that there has to be better options for people that have no people. Most opportunity comes way of a relative or close personal friend or one of your parents. Orphans and/or foster kids are given very little oppertunity to make something of themselves. Once you have reached a certain age society has had enough of you and the strain you put on resources. The resentment you felt before takes on a darker more sinister feel. This is society telling you that you have outlived your usefulness and its time to die. Yes die! Collectively society deems you useless so you gotta go. Now if I can't muster up the courage to kill myself I'm certainly not going to let someone else. Many people have tried. 
Still I'm not a push option!
Most of us don't want to be a burden even those of us that have no one. We are painfully aware of the fact that we have no real value without family. The numbers speak for themselves and yet I'm still here. There are people out there that are in or getting out of the foster care system, these are my people. They have had to do the unthinkable to get to were they are so please forgive them. By any means necessary. All foster kids are mine, they belong with me and with each other. How am I going to reach them to let them know that I am on their side and I will find away to them. Hopefully in this life and not in the next(if there is one).  Don't get me wrong, I have done plenty to be ashamed of but that stopped when my adopted mom found me. However, now, I realize she only got a hold of me because the life insurance policy she had on me matured when I turned 50 and she needed to find out if I was alive or dead. Perferrablely dead I'm sure. I knew I was staying alive for a reason. Why should she be allowed to profit from my death? It's not like I cost her a bunch of money in the whole three years she had me and most of that was spent in residential treatment facilities, hospitals, or shelters. 
Like it was my fault she met a man that wanted to marry her and not me. He had daughters of his own one was even my age although I was never introduced to them. This is how I knew they weren't entending on keeping me. Not only that they sent in his nephew to negatively influence me and to take my virginity. You see my adopted mother and her new husband conspired to rid themselves of me. First the nephew but that wasn't fast enough so they tried to get me in trouble with the law by entrapping me in a crime to rip off the Jr. Achievers. It didn't work in the way they had hoped but it got me kicked out of the program. They needed that to get the courts to see me as a delinquent and misfit.  No foster kids wants to be were they are not wanted and I wasn't wanted by my adopted mom and her new husband. What is so interesting is that they don't think anyone else could see the truth of what was happening, as if they were the first to do this to a foster kid. No many single people adopt kids so they don't have to be alone because they think if they are not married by now they never will be and of course as soon as they do here comes the man willing to marry them. That is if...
My adopted mom, to this day, blames me for her disowning me. You read right, it is all my fault that I went back into the foster care system, I missed it so much. Having options about my future was just to much for me to handle. What bullshit!!!! I even wanted to get family counseling to work through things and you led me to believe we were going to go get help. You even told me that Frank was going to meet us there but he wasn't. Did it feel good to turn your back on me? Did you like leaving me there in that empty room with the idea we were there to get help but you were there to leave me, which you did without a word. You led me into a room and turned around and walked out with no explanation not even a good bye.
So you find I'm still alive so no insurance money for you! If for no other reason stay alive so no one that has hurt you can benifit from your death! I wonder what she would have done with the money. Would she have given it to charity? Maybe the Boys and Girls Club since they help foster kids? She probably would have donated it in my name, since its my death that made it available? Let's face it, not. 
So why did she contact me when there was no cash out to be had; guilt or perhaps another policy was written and this time she wants to keep track of me. Or maybe she feels she is owed the money that she did spend on me for the three whole years I was in her care.  Or maybe she thinks I will contest her will once she dies, I don't know. I do know it wasn't for forgiveness. A person has to admit they did wrong before they will ask for forgiveness. She asked me for forgiveness but she didn't mean it because she continues to let his daughters believe that I chose to leave them. Why then did they never introduce me to his kids? I mean for three years I lived with them off and on because the hospitals they kept putting me in stopped admitting me because there was nothing wrong with me, I didn't do drugs and I was still a virgin. You read right, I was a virgin, nonsmoker, never had done drugs or ever even been drunk, I was an honors student, and a Jr. Achiever for Christ's sake. How does this shit happen not just once but twice to the same child? A child with no behavioral problems, a child whose trying to decide wether to become a lawyer or a race car driver. Those dreams faded fast with surviving once again taking priority. Surviving the impossible is kinda my thing and not because I'm too stupid to know any better but inspite of it. People always want something from me that I just don't have, I didn't come with everything you see here. As a matter of fact most of what you see here is an illusion one I perfected to the seemless life you think you see before you. In a way I am a magician, skilled in the art of pretending to be alive, pretending to be a whole functioning person. Well, I'm not, far from it. I am an empty shell, a dead weight. Too stubborn to kill myself, like any decent person would. To hell with decency! Most people don't know what I do and that is that I know the answer but no one will listen not even to save themselves. They would rather die and take everything with them ten amit I have the answer or worse still give me credit for it. S o like always I will have to arrange it just so so that someone else one that people listen to and give them the answer and step back as they take all the credit. 
If I was smarter I would just keep it to myself because society would get what it deserves.