Showing posts with label MotherNature. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MotherNature. Show all posts

Saturday, January 7, 2023



By V. Martin

Dare I say that the generation they say was the greatest was, in my opinion, the worst.  This is the generation that invented the “A” bomb and dropped two of them on Japan. This is the worst and most devastating act humans have ever perpetrated. Mass murder of innocent women, children, the elderly, the sick, everyone. Sure we warned them to get out but in what language and where we’re they suppose to go? They live on an island. I get that they attacked us at Pearl Harbor on December 7th 1941 and caught us with our pants down, so to speak. What we did to them in return is what we now call over kill since we dropped two. 
It is also my belief that it is why most of the men that fought in WW2 never talk about it. No matter how bad it was for them the Japanese got it much much worse and our soldiers had only one way to honor those we murdered, in silence. Not to mention kicked off our love affair with nuclear power. Like most love affairs it has burned out but the radiation lives on. The rods still need to be cooled, accidents still happen, time keeps ticking and little are being maintained to the standards they should be. I need someone to explain to me how we decided nuclear was the way to go? What words where used what promises were made to get us on board with this “cheap” energy. After Chernobyl any and all such power plants should have been closed yet we built more. WTF? 
Chernobyl is still uninhabitable for more then 5 minutes at a time. Ask the Russians soldiers that stayed there recently. I believe Chernobyl is why Putin is at war with the Ukraines because those are the people from Chernobyl. When they had to flea the radiation they went to Ukraine, safe from the fallout. Not that it was their fault for the meltdown but did they stay for the clean up or warn the rest of Russia what had happened. Only Putin really knows but from his actions this is what I think may be his problem with Ukraine. Not that I am for the war but I can understand the nuclear thing, it has to stop. Chernobyl alone could be causing most of the global warming and we need to do better at finding a solution because it is effecting the whole planet. Covering it up, burying it in concrete is no solution we have to do better. 
We are responsible for the worst acts a human has ever committed and yet we are not held accountable nor do we suffer any direct consequences. It is America that took it apron itself to exploit Mother Nature and her resources. It is America where the automobile was invented jump starting the automotive industry. Americans invented cigarettes, moonshine, and god knows how many other non planet friendly habits. Hell, it seems like America had it out for Mother Nature since the beginning. Other countries didn’t invent airplanes or any of the above because they probably knew better. It was America that taught the rest of the world to strip the planet of all its resources never replacing them with anything but air. 
What’s even better still is that our government picked a very few to cash in on these resources, mostly big campaign contributors. They had to buy their support with something and what better then with something that is free to them but they can charge everybody else for. Money for nothing. 
Now we really get to reap the rewards for all the raping and pillaging we have done. Who sticks up for Mother Nature? The indigenous people but they are feeling global warming more than anyone. Yet we do nothing different. 
It seems to me that we don’t like breathing clean air or drinking clean water. We have known for a long time that we are killing our planet with our bad habits and addictions. 
We don’t like bugs so we invent a plant that slows down their reproductive abilities when they eat it. It has to be better then bug spray, only it is at not killing but preventing the bugs from procreating. Unfortunately, other bugs and animals counted on that bug for survival so their numbers dropped then so did the animals that ate that bird or bug and so on. We are all connected, we cannot do to one and not do it to us all. Our government needs to stop doing everything else until the problem is fixed. Our planet should have priority over everything because without it we are all dead. We should work with Mother Nature not against her and anything destructive is bad, everything we define as progress needs to stop because if it hurts the planet it is not progress that is feeding the problem. 
Obviously, I will not win many friends stating the facts but we need to be more aware of what we do and how it affects the earth.

Thursday, July 22, 2021



by V. Martin (a foster kid all grown up)

Adopting a foster kid is a big deal and mostly unappreciated by the children themselves. Indeed these kids need a home but all they want is their own. It's hard to imagine a child with no one in the world expecting anything from anyone least of all those that make promises that hinge on having their expectation met. Expecting these children to be anything other then terrified is too much. They will disappoint you every time because they are in no position to fulfill anything least of all what they know nothing about.  It doesn't matter how kind and giving you are they will not respond the way you want. Try a different approach, try just letting them be, let them come to you but open yourself to figuring out when that happens because it won't be obvious. They can't come right out with it for so many reason that I won't name here.

By any means necessary. Does that go for us too? We need to live our lives by any means necessary even when society is telling us to die by any means necessary. No more killing ourselves just because we have no one because we do have people a lot of people actually, everyone whose been in or getting out of the foster care system are our brothers and sisters. Granted most don't make it to a ripe old age but I'm hoping that will change. No, what I really want to change is the foster care syastem itself. First I want to rename it something like The Cultural Exchange Center for Independent Students. Maybe anything but foster, the word itself leaves a bad taste in my mouth. The system simply needs to evolve so these kids can too. So society can too. These kids already don't stand a chance labeling them foster kids is adding insult to injury.
Too many have already fallen through the cracks and along with them any controbutions they may of had. If we can't give the at risk families the support they need, especially when they ask for it, to keep their family together then we haven't progressed at all. Prevention should be the word of the century because the foster care system can be prevented. Just like the prison system they kind of lead into one another. 
Our judicial system we brag that it is the best in the world no matter how flawed. So does that mean we maintain it as it is? Or what about finding ways to make it better. 
As a society we have had to face the countless inoccent people we have imprisoned recently. They used the pandemic to release them but in fact they were probably foster kids that falsely confessed. For a cop the confession was everything because they were under the impression that no one inocent confesses. I hope we now understand that is not true. It's hard for people to imagine anyone wanting to go to prison for something they didn't do. Well, foster kids do. Prison is home for a lot of them, a roof, 3 square meals, all the company they can handle, and a weird kind of respect from the other prisoners. In prison foster kids are mostly left alone because they aren't in there for any thing they did. On the contrary and the other prisoners are aware of this and don't bother them mainly because they have had it bad enough already. Not to mention they may need a scape goat themselves one day. 
We have no respect for society and it's treatment of its most vulnerable citizens, it's hidden in plain sight prejudices against those society deems undesirable. They have us all wrong and no one benefits. As a matter of fact if we don't erradicate prejudices, ignorence, and hate on every level prejudices will never go away at least not the violent kind.  My priority is foster kids and foster adults, these people are my family and everything I am and have will go to them when I'm gone, including my reputation and position in society. The position hasn't been created yet but I am your biggest advocate and a chance for a better future without being a foster kid. Even though I know we are not the problem society wants to make us out to be, none of that makes sense so we must take a closer look at these agencies, institutions, churches, independent group homes or any place we put these kids for safe keeping because they are not safe. Our fall from grace starts with these places and there is a reason they want society to believe we cause most of the crimes, our false confessions don't help either.  Some how they benifit from these false campaigns to make us into stupid, dangerous, nothing to lose, loser, drug addicts, and theifs. Some people are mean just to be mean because they can, it makes them feel better, more powerful about themselves hurting someone more vunlnerable.  Of course there are always those expectations that we never meet that might create some enemies. 
As a future foster parent just be honest because if there is one thing a foster kids know and that's when they are being lied to and at that point it is all over. If you don't think these kids have a right to be treated humanely and with respect then you should not become a foster parent. If you think these kids have no right to question anyone that they should unquestionably believe what ever bullshit you tell them? You should not be a foster parent. If think we are just a burden with nothing to give you should not be a foster parent. If you have expectations, outside the ones you already discussed don't be a foster parent. If you are looking for a free baby sitter and/or house keeper you should hire a professional. 


By V. Martin

Let's hope to God I'm wrong but the more I research and think about it the more I'm convinced that insurance money is involved in what pushes the machine. 
Think about it; a family finatially in trouble, bills piled high. What could possibly be the answer that won't cost your family anything? Oh, I know, a foster kid. Not only do you get paid for putting up with this reject you get to be added to a life insurance policy that the state pays for and only stops when the child dies. Oh happy day, the life expectancy is so short its like money in the bank. 
That's right, you heard me correctly, life insurance policy carries all foster parents and adopted parents until that child dies. No wonder the cycle never ends. It's way too profittable to try and actually solve this problem and with out people no one is going to care; except me and all I have is all the children that are still alive and the ones that aren't. These are my people and they deserve the best and that is what I am going to give them.
So if you are a priest, a Boy Scout, a detention worker, a foster parent, a pedophile, and/or any predator that preys on children; you are on notice to find something else to do. You are no longer tolerated, you are no longer going to find it easy to live amounst those that value their children. You have no place in society because society has deemed all people valuable but those that destroy the lives of the innocent. No more does society turn its back on those less fortunate, it is these people that need society the most. Society will gain strength and resources that previously it lacked due to its inability to recognisze real value way beyond monetary. No longer will we put material things above human beings. No longer will anything on the planet be worth more then the living creature that occupy it, including animals and humans. No longer will we be lazy!! 
There may not be a lot I know but the one thing I do know beyond a shadow of a doubt and that is human nature and what it is telling me is that it has no intentions of changing. It does not intend to bow down to Mother Nature. Oh hell no! We bow to no one! Well, Mother Nature isn't just anyone she is who rules on this 3rd rock from the sun. lol.
It's obvious that society means to do nothing different to save us all so fuck it, everybody it's business as usual. All the effort we made to get through this difficult time was for not.

It took no effort on my part because my life didn't change at all. The man I live with has all the power and control and he reminds me every now and again. Most recently he killed my dog, for the simple reason that he told me "no" when I asked for one. It wasn't my fault that they gave him to me on Christmas Day because he was suppose to be my boyfriend's christmas present. He wanted nothing to do with him, at first, by the time he did the dog was already dying. Mostly we, foster kids, don't want to be lied to, stolen from, left holding the bag, accused of lying by liars.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020



By Vonia Martin

The only people that tell you not to be negative are the ones that are fixing to hurt you and they want to blame you for it. Don't fall for this bullshit! If they truly want you to be positive they would create positive situations in your life, they would start by telling you something positive.  When someone tells you not to do something, they are being negative so they need to first practice their own advice before telling me what to do. I am all for being the example not the exception, actions speak louder then words. Of course, they still may not take my advice but that's on them. 
People are probably wondering what I mean when I said that orphans are going to be more valuable then anyone else on the planet. I say this in all honesty because who has the smallest carbon foot print on the planet besides the indigenous peoples? Orphans and/or foster kids; that's who. We know how to live with and on practically nothing. We know how to make things last, squeezing every last drop of blood out of the turnip, if you will. Yes, we can get blood from a turnip, you just have to know how to squeeze it. Foster kids hardly ever own anything, only what people have given them. They usually don't drive because they don't have a drivers license or even a birth certificate.  We usually have the decency to die young, for obvious reasons. It's hard to convince someone to live when they have no one to live for. Not to mention the collective subconscious telling you, in not so subtle ways, to kill yourself before becoming more of a burden.
I doubt we will ever be able to figure out the secrets of the universe when we can't even take care of our own Mother! Or children some mothers abandon. As long as we are committing crimes against her we are committing crimes against ourselves and ultimately God, if you want to believe that kind of thing. All I do know is that Mother Nature is real, science is real, devine intervention maybe here in the form of a virus. Wake up before you end up dead.
Our planet and the creatures on it are at our mercy yet we display none. We are relentless in our pursuit of happiness and the American way, with not a care about the damage being done in that pursuit. Maybe this is why other countries don't like us, because we are so reckless with our only resource; earth.  How irresponsible of us to not change because this planet is and its not into something we are going to like. How much time have we allowed to pass without really doing anything different. The crimes we commit against this planet are crimes we commit against every living creature that resides here. We have a forehead and a chin so we can communicate to eachother in ways animals can't, they have no voice that we can understand. So what about paying attention to the rest of them? They have bodies that also speaks a language we all speak if we pay enough attention we maybe able to figure out what it is they are saying. 
Soon we won't be able to find animals in the wild, only in a zoo.  Won't that be a hoot? There is nothing more unnatural then a caged animals but soon that will be the only place you can find them.
How ignorant we are to the effects of our actions until we cannot ignore them any more because they are too great. For so long we pretended to not be able to change the planet. We decided that the ocean was to vast for all our waste to ever harm it or its occupents no matter how much pollution we dump in it. It was our god given right to rape and pillage the land, leaving in our wake a waste land fit for no animal to live.  
Orphans and foster kids know how to be alone, do you?
All I'm saying is that if we don't start doing what's best for Earth the virus is only the beginning. 
There was a time when we didn't have transportation, other then horses and we didn't always treat them very well either.  As a species we have to collectively decide to stop with the stupidity!  If we are unaware of the consciquences of our actions we should stop until we know what they are and if they are worth the harm they are creating.
We need to add a few subjects to our school curriculum; sustainability, renewable energy, reversing human effect on the planet.  Not that my feelings count for anything but I have a feeling if we become true advocates for Mother Nature she will reveal the secrets we need to travel through space and time.  I know this sounds stupid mainly because most people think I am but I'm not so here it geos anyway. What if we switch the line up and travel through time and space instead?  It's probably nothing but we have to try. It makes sense to me that if we solve the time travel problem space will just fall in line. 
Speaking of space what if dark matter is other planets? They have to be some where and in the way of light is a good way to determine where they are or the absence of it. When I look at the pictures of space and the dark blotches scattered across the universe I think "what the hell is in the way? Why can't I fallow that ray of light to its start?" I'm not saying that some of it isn't dark matter but maybe planets are what we think is dark matter? It's important to find out because there maybe a planet a lot closer to us then we know.