Tuesday, October 20, 2020



By Vonia Martin

The only people that tell you not to be negative are the ones that are fixing to hurt you and they want to blame you for it. Don't fall for this bullshit! If they truly want you to be positive they would create positive situations in your life, they would start by telling you something positive.  When someone tells you not to do something, they are being negative so they need to first practice their own advice before telling me what to do. I am all for being the example not the exception, actions speak louder then words. Of course, they still may not take my advice but that's on them. 
People are probably wondering what I mean when I said that orphans are going to be more valuable then anyone else on the planet. I say this in all honesty because who has the smallest carbon foot print on the planet besides the indigenous peoples? Orphans and/or foster kids; that's who. We know how to live with and on practically nothing. We know how to make things last, squeezing every last drop of blood out of the turnip, if you will. Yes, we can get blood from a turnip, you just have to know how to squeeze it. Foster kids hardly ever own anything, only what people have given them. They usually don't drive because they don't have a drivers license or even a birth certificate.  We usually have the decency to die young, for obvious reasons. It's hard to convince someone to live when they have no one to live for. Not to mention the collective subconscious telling you, in not so subtle ways, to kill yourself before becoming more of a burden.
I doubt we will ever be able to figure out the secrets of the universe when we can't even take care of our own Mother! Or children some mothers abandon. As long as we are committing crimes against her we are committing crimes against ourselves and ultimately God, if you want to believe that kind of thing. All I do know is that Mother Nature is real, science is real, devine intervention maybe here in the form of a virus. Wake up before you end up dead.
Our planet and the creatures on it are at our mercy yet we display none. We are relentless in our pursuit of happiness and the American way, with not a care about the damage being done in that pursuit. Maybe this is why other countries don't like us, because we are so reckless with our only resource; earth.  How irresponsible of us to not change because this planet is and its not into something we are going to like. How much time have we allowed to pass without really doing anything different. The crimes we commit against this planet are crimes we commit against every living creature that resides here. We have a forehead and a chin so we can communicate to eachother in ways animals can't, they have no voice that we can understand. So what about paying attention to the rest of them? They have bodies that also speaks a language we all speak if we pay enough attention we maybe able to figure out what it is they are saying. 
Soon we won't be able to find animals in the wild, only in a zoo.  Won't that be a hoot? There is nothing more unnatural then a caged animals but soon that will be the only place you can find them.
How ignorant we are to the effects of our actions until we cannot ignore them any more because they are too great. For so long we pretended to not be able to change the planet. We decided that the ocean was to vast for all our waste to ever harm it or its occupents no matter how much pollution we dump in it. It was our god given right to rape and pillage the land, leaving in our wake a waste land fit for no animal to live.  
Orphans and foster kids know how to be alone, do you?
All I'm saying is that if we don't start doing what's best for Earth the virus is only the beginning. 
There was a time when we didn't have transportation, other then horses and we didn't always treat them very well either.  As a species we have to collectively decide to stop with the stupidity!  If we are unaware of the consciquences of our actions we should stop until we know what they are and if they are worth the harm they are creating.
We need to add a few subjects to our school curriculum; sustainability, renewable energy, reversing human effect on the planet.  Not that my feelings count for anything but I have a feeling if we become true advocates for Mother Nature she will reveal the secrets we need to travel through space and time.  I know this sounds stupid mainly because most people think I am but I'm not so here it geos anyway. What if we switch the line up and travel through time and space instead?  It's probably nothing but we have to try. It makes sense to me that if we solve the time travel problem space will just fall in line. 
Speaking of space what if dark matter is other planets? They have to be some where and in the way of light is a good way to determine where they are or the absence of it. When I look at the pictures of space and the dark blotches scattered across the universe I think "what the hell is in the way? Why can't I fallow that ray of light to its start?" I'm not saying that some of it isn't dark matter but maybe planets are what we think is dark matter? It's important to find out because there maybe a planet a lot closer to us then we know. 

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