Showing posts with label hope. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hope. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 11, 2020


Should Get The HOV LANE!

By Vonia Martin

It occurs to me that instead of cars, even if they have passengers, except volunteer drivers, they can use the HOV lane also and of course buses. If we took semi-trucks out of the equation, at least in the more crowded areas where the HOV lane already exists, traffic might move more smoothly. That and companies need to stagger their employees, which would benefit them as well since there is a time difference and a lot of revenue could be made before the sun comes up here in America. Then keep bringing employees in every hour or half hour until fully staffed then send people home eight hours or ten even better four day work week. Anyway, this would help with traffic and pollution not to mention revenue and happier, less stressed employees. I call it a win, win, win and won. I'm just saying...


Not Stem

by Vonia Martin

Stem just doesn't cover it, we need them all so it should be Stream for science, technology, reading & righting (righting all the wrong history), engineering, arts, and math.

Yes, I believe there is enough "wrong" history to warrent it it's own subject of study. We need to right this when ever and where ever we find it. Miss information and/or lies should never stand even if it's all that we know of a subject because lies only make it harder for the truth to get through. A whole generation may have to die before society can successfully tell the truth and we don't have that kind of time. 

Now, is the time for truth. Now is the time to embrace the truth because the lies are killing us. As a society we need to collectively choose something else and what else is left to us, but the truth?  We have, for what ever reason, spent the majority of the past two millenniums believing in all kinds of interesting things. The one thing they all have in common is that they are the only way to Heaven and God and those that don't believe the way they do will indur some awful fate to be suffered for eternity. Personally, I can't get my faith around believing that only those that believe the way I do can go to heaven. You know why? Because only I know what I truly believe and my beliefs don't follow or stick to any one practice or prejudice, if you will, they exist only to give me a reason to get out of bed in the morning and as long as that doesn't hurt anyone else I feel free to do so. My faith is a patch work quilt that is pieced together from my experiences in life and how I was able to navigate through it without even a life raft or compass.  The last thing you will hear me say is "Jesus take the wheel"! If anyone but God himself takes the wheel fight like hell to take it back! 

We need well rounded individuals that excel in all these areas not in just one or a few but all. Knowledge is the STREAM and we need to stop separating the subjects instead they need to flow into the other where teaching becomes fluid and flows, like the river, effortlessly. Thinking; should not be an option it should be a given. 

In order to truly free ourselves from prejudice and hate we have to drop the religion thing because it propels both. If it didn't we wouldn't be fighting. The one thing that cuts short any argument is the truth. You can't argue with it even if you deny it. You argue it's existence not it's reason for existence. Or it maybe the other way around. Shit, I've been thinking too much for too long. Time for some down time.

Monday, October 3, 2011

V view

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                       by V.Martin

There are so many things I need to tell you that I want to share.
From my heart, the very depths of my soul, yet some how I don't dare.
Exposing myself to anyone, leaving me vulnerable is my greatest fear.
Always choosing the wrong friends and lovers guarding what I hold dear.
Sure I've tried a few "relationships" but decided I'm not the settling type.
Have parents, a home, get married, have kids what hype!
You could have anyone not just someone surviving the past
I've never been first or number one I only know how to be last
My life has never been like that not even part of the slightest bit.
I know nothing of family,  love and even less of commitment
Yet here you are quite possibly the one I've longed and prayed for.
My father, my brother, my mother, my baby, and so much more.
But if you don't want me, don't worry, I'll set you free
No hard feelings, no regrets, and no hostility.
If a miracle has occurred and you want me in spite of it all
For eternity I'll work hard so from your graces I never fall
You deserve the best and for you that would be me
this I know but I still can't make you see
Oh well, I guess I deserve it for all the hearts I broke
Karma is no laughing matter nor is it a joke
You'll always pay with what you treasure most
Look at me all I have is this post.