Showing posts with label global warming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label global warming. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 11, 2020


Should Get The HOV LANE!

By Vonia Martin

It occurs to me that instead of cars, even if they have passengers, except volunteer drivers, they can use the HOV lane also and of course buses. If we took semi-trucks out of the equation, at least in the more crowded areas where the HOV lane already exists, traffic might move more smoothly. That and companies need to stagger their employees, which would benefit them as well since there is a time difference and a lot of revenue could be made before the sun comes up here in America. Then keep bringing employees in every hour or half hour until fully staffed then send people home eight hours or ten even better four day work week. Anyway, this would help with traffic and pollution not to mention revenue and happier, less stressed employees. I call it a win, win, win and won. I'm just saying...

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Earth; OurOnlyParent

Humans; Animal's Keepers

by V. Martin

Come on people we need all that mother nature has put on this planet, get rid of one pest and the whole thing unravels. Even mosquitos have a purpose and it's not just to spread disease and bother us where ever we go. Mosquitoes feed a lot of animals, especially our feathered friends; birds. We need birds for more reasons than I can state here and dare I say we even need their poop. What those reasons are I have no idea but we do, I know that much. Birds have had it pretty bad for decades and really bad the last few years, numbers dropping up to 60%. Some of it is due to the tourist industry, no one wants to get bird shit on their outfit while on vacation. If I had a shop in a tourist town I would be training the birds to shit on all the visitors. That way they would be forced to buy a whole new outfit! They can't go walking around smelling like poo can they? Not to mention it is the opportunity for the town to make that person one of their own. It could become the thing to do, go on vacation and get shit on by locals. LOL! Oh come on, make it work just bring back the birds!
Birds eat the mosquitos and other bugs we don't like. We just need to give them back the times during the day they come out to do what they do; at dust and dawn they tend to be the most active so people stay inside while the feeding frenzy ensues.  It use to be that we adapted to our environment, to stay alive. Now we have conformed our environment to suit us and in doing so are killing the planet. This planet is all we have, we do not get another shot at it. No Devine intervention is going to save us from ourselves, only we can do that, so get busy. The United States has the biggest carbon foot print in the world? WTF? We should have the smallest but because we have done the most damage we need to make the most changes. Before America there were no cars, no planes, or trains. Before America there was no industrial revolution, no giant factories, no unregulated mines, no animal control. Before America there were Native Americans, or as they will always be to me, Indians. Indigenous is a better word for those that were here long before the white people. We call all this progress. Progress for who? I call it a crime against nature and there for a crime against animals and people are animals. People are the most inhumane beings on the planet, even nature has more humanity. We are suppose to be the keepers of this planet and it's creatures and we're not doing very well. We better step down and give Mother Nature back what we have destroyed maybe she can make it right again. I get that we need power but it's all around us and free, fuck the grid! There is so much free energy to be had if we cut the grid out of the equation the cost becomes much less. Do not worry the power company isn't going any where any time soon but to stay in business hopefully they will evolve into something else we need or good riddance. 
It's part of the American dream; where one dream dies another is being born. This time lets think things through a lot more before we go and blow up another country by inventing the worst possible thing. Nothing has been the same since and I'm wondering if it was really worth it?
We dammed all our rivers emptying natural lakes, the ones the birds used to make their way South for the winter and then back again in the Spring. We have geese in Colorado all year long because this is as far as they can make it. They get frozen to the water every year and the ones that aren't wait for the ones that are before they all fly away, their numbers dropping every year. Now they have this great new projects to rid us of them once and for all; feed them to the needy. Who doesn't want to feed those that are hungry? These geese for one and what happens when they are all gone? My friend's father told him once that the sky use to be black with birds taking off, not any more, they can barely make a V formation or get off the ground for god's sake. The pollution from all the jets, cars, trains, ships, and factories are keeping them from flying as high as they use to. I wonder if we can still hear them out in space, it was the sound of our planet, the sound of the universe. It is the only sound of life out in space like earth is the only planet in color, this planet is it and we need to care for it with that knowledge. 
With that in mind, I need to address all the scientist on the planet. Please, please before you come forward with any findings, think about what knowledge you have and the responsibility you have to your fellow man. Not all of us are responsible with the knowledge we gain and you see where it has gotten us so far. As scientists you are our first line of defense against ourselves, refuse to work on any and all projects that do not directly benefit this planet. There is nothing more important than solving global warming and saving the polar bears from extinction. Yes, yes, I know we have them in some cage some where but what kind of life is that for a wild animal? What kind of creatures are we to gather up samples of the animals that litter the planet to keep in cages for future generations. Why? Because we knew we were going to destroy their lands and eventually kill them all? We want a reminder of how beautiful nature was and how we are more powerful than nature itself? Well we showed all those bugs and animals and ourselves because once they go we are not far behind.
Have you ever been in a room with a lot of people in it? No ventilation or climate control just bodies, hot, sweaty and so is the air around you until it becomes unbearable. That is what is happening to our planet but there is no window to throw open to let the hot air out. The smallest of the creatures are going to die off first then like dominos we all go down. Not all will be a direct result but the rest will die do to no food or water or killed for one of those things.
No offense to the tourist industry but shame on you! Go find something else to do because as a society we should be bragging about staying close to home for vacation. The amount of pollution and waste the tourist industry pumps into the atmosphere should be a crime. Air planes should only be used for business and emergencies. People should work close to home and have to walk or bike to work at least twice a week out of four ten hour days. The government shouldn't do business or give grants or contracts to any business or person who is not actively pursuing sustainable solutions to fossil and nuclear fuels.
We also need to stop running around at night all these lights are crazy unless they are solar.
All the huge ships we build and leave in the ocean for all time not to mention all the one we purposely sink during war time and peace. Why do we think this won't raise the sea level? I don't know. I get that the ocean is huge but so are the ships we sink. Not to mention submarines, how many of them hollow bastards are displacing water as we speak? We are 80% covered by water but it use to be 70%. The birds are disappearing at an alarming rate and the ones that are still here can barely fly and look like shit. WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!!! Before we all die!
If something doesn't happen soon I'm going to go on a suicide pilgrimage to the White House steps and kill myself in protest the of killing the planet. We are all dead anyway and my life sure hasn't amounted to much but maybe my death can. I'm on borrowed time anyway and don't like where we headed so death for a good cause is really all I can hope for at this point.
To fund my suicide pilgrimage I will have to auction off my corps. Come on, some perverted fuck out there would jump or in this case out bid whatever other weird fuck is bidding on it. I will of course have to start it with the maximum it would take me to walk to Washington DC, that's where the winner can pick up the body. I suggest renting or buying an ambulance to transport me to a refrigerated(I know bad for planet) truck for the trip. Anyway a girl has to have traveling money even when it's to kill herself.
Don't make me do this.
Women stop buying make up!!!! Make up is a single use mask that we wear everyday so we can look like whores? False advertising and we waste a lot of money trying to feel good about ourselves? Why would putting on a bunch of goopy, oily make up that erases our individuality only to turn around and draw on a different face make us feel good about ourselves. Girls are getting mixed messages so it's no wonder they are confused and have no self respect. My god we spend a ton of money on products we have our whole self image wrapped up in. If we don't spend a couple hours a day primping and covering then drawing on our masks so the rest of the world can see us for the confident cowards we are. Bravery should not be a women going outside without her mask on.
Who started this make up thing any way, a bunch of whores! So instead of the hookers wanting to be self respecting, business women and mothers the self respecting business woman decided she wanted to at least look like a whore? This explains a lot about what is wrong with society. This explains why young women aspire to be porn stars and prostitutes instead of scientists or engineers. Do not get me wrong, confidence is very important to feel and project but should it really be based on something we wash off every night? Looks only last so long and anyone who is blessed enough to be good looking doesn't need make up any way and everyone on this planet is beautiful in their own right! None of us needs make up it is a single use thing that we reapply everyday, wasting a ton of money on something we wash down the drain. If we ban together and stop this ridicules practice, image the time we will have to make a real difference in the world? Countless hours are wasted on this ritual and as women we should not be teaching girls to only feel good about themselves if they hide who they really are under a bunch of make up. Confidence is not real when it is dependent on doing what everyone else is. True confidence comes from within. A knowing of ones self in real light is key to building the kind of confidence that isn't based on something as temporary as looks. If we all together decided to put make up away for the sake of ourselves and future women and the future of this planet it might lead the way to putting up all fossil fuels. Companies should think about building smaller buildings and more of the smaller ones and disperse them through out communities to people don't have to commute so far to work. Corporations need take on a lot more responsibility for this climate change because they are the ones best situated to take on the cost of moving the whole planet a few degrees away from the sun. If it means building another dam we should just get rid of the one in China that caused us to move closer to the sun and speed up time. Doesn't anyone else put two and two together?