Saturday, April 25, 2015

Ebay Sucks

Liars & Thieves

                                                          by V. Martin copyright 2015

I know that sounds pretty harsh but then so are their business practices.  These are not titles that I give lightly and have hoped and prayed I was wrong.  My roommate and boyfriend both have looked at my Ebay and Paypal account with no understanding of it than I.   Most recently I did have a small victory in my fight against legal theft.  Ebay gave me back the $80 they refunded to the buyer for an item not received case they opened against me 2 days after I mailed the package.  The buyer got the package the day after Ebay refunded their money, this was back in October and I've been trying since November to correct this.  Mainly because the post office said that I had to wait at least 30 days from the time I mailed it to be able to open a case.  At this time I still thought it was the post offices mistake because the item was miss scanned.  However, when I went back after Thanksgiving the post master gave me the print out of the tracking number showing that it had been delivered on the 10th.  I went directly home and called Ebay only to be told that 30 days I have to argue a case has passed, that's funny that's the same amount of time I had to wait to find out it wasn't the post offices fault.  Do you think they plan it that way?  To add insult to injury that case is still counting against me in my ratings!

 So the Ebay rep said that they would try to contact the buyer and have them either send back the package or resend the money.  I waited but never heard anything back so I tried to contact the buyer myself, nothing.  I continued to contact Ebay about my growing number of concerns about their confusing business practices.  More often than not I was hung up on at one point a supposed superviser hung up on me after refusing to give me the corporate phone number.  He kept telling me that they wouldn't answer so I couldn't understand the problem in giving me the number if they weren't going to answer any way.  He did give me the wrong address to the corporate office then put me on hold where I remained for 48 minutes until I started getting the busy signal.  I waited for someone to call me back because the first thing you all want to know if the number I'm calling from is good to call me on if we get disconnected and yes it was but no call.  Finally, I just asked my browser how to contact Ebay's corporate office which led me to emailing the ceo of Ebay, John Donahoe.   Some one named Dylon called me and after some discussion and me providing the proof from the post office he gave me the money from that sale.  It still count against me in my ratings.
A little over a year ago I was a top rated seller but had only a few hundred sales and 95 feedbacks now I have over 300 sales and 266 in feedback 2 of which are negative one neutral.   My selling limit is down to $100 a month but I'm not suppose to take it personal even though other sellers with similar sales, feedback, and percentages yet they are a top rated seller.  So personal is the only way to take it especially when my rating didn't drop until December after having no issues all of November and most of October.  What happened that made my rating drop?  No one at Ebay can seem to answer that question either no, they would rather hang up on me.  Must be nice to have a job that when some one asks a question you can't or won't answer just hang up on them, problem solved.  Am I missing something here?  Did they change the definition for customer service?  Dylon sure seems to think so.
This guy has the nerve to tell me to have more faith in their system because his faith in it is telling him I'm wrong, even though he can't answer any of my questions or explain any of my concerns but because I had the proof from the post office he would have to give me the money back for the bag.  After that he was not interested in any of my other problems or concerns he understood that I was upset though he wasn't going to do any more for me unless I had proof.  Well, I have the proof he asked for but he is no longer going to help me.  If I want any more help I will have to go through the proper channels the same ones that led me to contacting him in the first place.
Oh, wait I forgot to tell you the best part Ebay waited to drop my rating not only because of the holidays but also October was when I filed a complaint with the BBB.  That complaint was about the final value fee on shipping Ebay has been stealing from me with no explanation any where to explain this charge.  Not only that but other members aren't charged this but it's not personal.  One member told someone on the Ebay forum that they were charged a final value fee on shipping because they were charging too much for shipping.  If that's the case why am I still charged this fee, which is some time more than the final value fee itself, when I offer free shipping?  By the way Ebay recommends you list everything in the auction style format, start the auction at .99 with free shipping.  I followed this advice once, minus the free shipping(thank god) and it costs me $2.13 to sell some lady my material.  Anyone who is going to charge you for something on a regular basis should be explaining it and calling it what it is not cover it general extra charges you may or may not be charged that doesn't cut it when it's more then the usual expected fee.
To prove my point I'm posting my Ebay activities and fees for August & July or Sept. can't remember which.

Another reason I call Ebay liars and thieves is in part due to this transaction one that Ebay assures me won't count against me in my ratings.  Here is a picture of the email Ebay sent me telling me I wasn't found at fault and didn't need to do any thing else.  After that is a picture of the fact that they received $45 when all they paid was $22.55, I was told by Ebay this money would not come out of my account when it did, twice.  I've gotten Ebay to admit to owing me $22.55 but never have they sent it or taken it off my ratings cases when they clearly and specifically said that it wouldn't.  Is it unreasonable to want what I've been promised and get my money back?
Dylon's response to my wanting them off the cases opened against me and any detailed seller ratings they are affecting is that I would still be below standard.  How can that be?  I should've asked but it wouldn't of done any good, Dylon clearly didn't like the questions nor did he have any answers.  He has faith, faith in the Ebay system.  This Ebay rep. places more faith in a system designed to make Ebay money rather then even consider there is a problem with my account.  Dick, should be his name even after I proved the mistakes made in the hartmann case.
This is why I call them liars because they lie!!!!

Ebay's business practices should be a matter of public record!

Thursday, March 7, 2013



by V. Martin 

means never
will I believe 
the heart on my sleeve
when the brain in my head
will claim to be dead
if I proceed ahead
Whatever means
I don't know a hill of beans
but I'm doing it anyway
so without delay...
I stick my head up my ass
I go rather then stay
It’s all I know
My confidence is just for show
Really I’m faking it
Never making it
Time it running out
There is no doubt
Yet here I sit
Letting it.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Another blank post


by V. Martin

Your lips are moving but no sound is coming out.
Thinking you can't hear me I begin to shout.
You bring up your hands to cover your ears.
It's then you realize they're full of your tears.
You were lying down while you cried.
Remembering the deceit and why I lied.
The truth would have sealed your fate.
Never look back because it's already too late.
But if you look back you'd be seeing ahead.
You are stuck in the moment you were mislead.
You want to grow and mature but to do so you must feel.
That is not an option for you until you heal.
But you can't heal what you won't admit.
So you're frozen, not participating, you quit.
Time didn't stop when you did so you've aged in years.
Yet you're very immature compared to all your peers.
So you whine and complain causing a scene.
You think no one likes you, every one is mean.
When in fact it is you that leads the way.
About yourself you have nothing nice to say.
As long as you are your own worst enemy,
You may as well expect everyone else to be.


Sunday, September 30, 2012

Your Filthy Stinking Whore

Your Filthy Stinking Whore

                                                                     by V. Martin

For you I would become a filthy stinking whore.
You are my fix, I'm like an addict waiting to score.
What would I do if I thought there was a chance?
I would score a touch down and do the victory dance.
Or I could join the Army and end the war.
If you would be mine for ever more.
I would take a bullet that was meant for you
I would jump on a grenade that someone threw
I would suck poison from your ass
Yes, I have that and more in class
I would learn all the ways to please
not just ones that are meant to tease
I would bring you back from the dead
So I could finally give you some head
I have nothing to lose, you have it all
What will it take to make you fall
Fall in love with me
I will become your every fantasy
You can treat me any way you want

You can call me names even a cunt
What I wouldn't do for you is a shorter list
I would even stand over you and take a piss
That's disgusting but for you anything
If I could carry a tune your praises I would sing

but as it is not even in a bucket with a lid

All I think about is you naked in all your glory
then I drift off, with you the prince in every story
Only I come to your rescue. Oh,but wait!
I think I know, now, what sealed my fate
You want to be the one to rescue me
Not the other way but the way it should be
Oh, crap I fucked things up again and again
if I don't notice, you won't, let's pretend.
There, that's better now let's really embrace,
my need to serve, worship, and you to taste
the way I would be your filthy stinking whore
if that is what you want and you would then adore...


Monday, October 3, 2011

V view

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                       by V.Martin

There are so many things I need to tell you that I want to share.
From my heart, the very depths of my soul, yet some how I don't dare.
Exposing myself to anyone, leaving me vulnerable is my greatest fear.
Always choosing the wrong friends and lovers guarding what I hold dear.
Sure I've tried a few "relationships" but decided I'm not the settling type.
Have parents, a home, get married, have kids what hype!
You could have anyone not just someone surviving the past
I've never been first or number one I only know how to be last
My life has never been like that not even part of the slightest bit.
I know nothing of family,  love and even less of commitment
Yet here you are quite possibly the one I've longed and prayed for.
My father, my brother, my mother, my baby, and so much more.
But if you don't want me, don't worry, I'll set you free
No hard feelings, no regrets, and no hostility.
If a miracle has occurred and you want me in spite of it all
For eternity I'll work hard so from your graces I never fall
You deserve the best and for you that would be me
this I know but I still can't make you see
Oh well, I guess I deserve it for all the hearts I broke
Karma is no laughing matter nor is it a joke
You'll always pay with what you treasure most
Look at me all I have is this post.