Liars & Thieves
by V. Martin copyright 2015
A little over a year ago I was a top rated seller but had only a few hundred sales and 95 feedbacks now I have over 300 sales and 266 in feedback 2 of which are negative one neutral. My selling limit is down to $100 a month but I'm not suppose to take it personal even though other sellers with similar sales, feedback, and percentages yet they are a top rated seller. So personal is the only way to take it especially when my rating didn't drop until December after having no issues all of November and most of October. What happened that made my rating drop? No one at Ebay can seem to answer that question either no, they would rather hang up on me. Must be nice to have a job that when some one asks a question you can't or won't answer just hang up on them, problem solved. Am I missing something here? Did they change the definition for customer service? Dylon sure seems to think so.
This guy has the nerve to tell me to have more faith in their system because his faith in it is telling him I'm wrong, even though he can't answer any of my questions or explain any of my concerns but because I had the proof from the post office he would have to give me the money back for the bag. After that he was not interested in any of my other problems or concerns he understood that I was upset though he wasn't going to do any more for me unless I had proof. Well, I have the proof he asked for but he is no longer going to help me. If I want any more help I will have to go through the proper channels the same ones that led me to contacting him in the first place.
Oh, wait I forgot to tell you the best part Ebay waited to drop my rating not only because of the holidays but also October was when I filed a complaint with the BBB. That complaint was about the final value fee on shipping Ebay has been stealing from me with no explanation any where to explain this charge. Not only that but other members aren't charged this but it's not personal. One member told someone on the Ebay forum that they were charged a final value fee on shipping because they were charging too much for shipping. If that's the case why am I still charged this fee, which is some time more than the final value fee itself, when I offer free shipping? By the way Ebay recommends you list everything in the auction style format, start the auction at .99 with free shipping. I followed this advice once, minus the free shipping(thank god) and it costs me $2.13 to sell some lady my material. Anyone who is going to charge you for something on a regular basis should be explaining it and calling it what it is not cover it general extra charges you may or may not be charged that doesn't cut it when it's more then the usual expected fee.
To prove my point I'm posting my Ebay activities and fees for August & July or Sept. can't remember which.
Another reason I call Ebay liars and thieves is in part due to this transaction one that Ebay assures me won't count against me in my ratings. Here is a picture of the email Ebay sent me telling me I wasn't found at fault and didn't need to do any thing else. After that is a picture of the fact that they received $45 when all they paid was $22.55, I was told by Ebay this money would not come out of my account when it did, twice. I've gotten Ebay to admit to owing me $22.55 but never have they sent it or taken it off my ratings cases when they clearly and specifically said that it wouldn't. Is it unreasonable to want what I've been promised and get my money back?
Dylon's response to my wanting them off the cases opened against me and any detailed seller ratings they are affecting is that I would still be below standard. How can that be? I should've asked but it wouldn't of done any good, Dylon clearly didn't like the questions nor did he have any answers. He has faith, faith in the Ebay system. This Ebay rep. places more faith in a system designed to make Ebay money rather then even consider there is a problem with my account. Dick, should be his name even after I proved the mistakes made in the hartmann case.
This is why I call them liars because they lie!!!!
Ebay's business practices should be a matter of public record!