Saturday, July 24, 2021

Zeus; Super Dog


By V. Martin (Zeus's pet human)

When I first got my dog So.b I couldn't believe how fast he trained me to do virtually everything for him. Here we are 11 years, possibly 12, and he still has me doing everything for him and I am more than happy to! This dog is my life, no doubt about it. Not only does he have me doing his bidding anyone who comes in contact with him for any amount of time ends up throwing a ball, rubbing his belly, holding on to the unknotted end of a rope so he can smack you with the knot when he shakes his head just so. You So.b lovers know what I'm talking about. By the way thank you for not letting your warped opinion of me influence your relationship with him. 

Fast forward to when I felt my life needed more, I needed another dog. My So.b was getting old and not wanting to go for walks, which is all I have, walking. So I put some feelers out for another fur baby to complete my furry family. At 53 I am way passed having any actual babies, biologically, anyway. I remember seeing a really cute dog on one of the pages of the local penny saver or whatever, he was sitting in the carving of wings chair located near the entrance to the town. This was before I STARTED LOOKING BUT NOW I'M SURE IT WAS HIM. I'M NOT GOING TO BOTHER CHANGING THAT BUT I'M NOT YELLING, YET. 
Zeus was the most perfect example of a Rednosed Pitbull dog you will ever find. All his markings were perfect, his stance, the way he carried himself; regal. So why was he up for sale or rehoming? According to the lady I got him from, there was an incident with her 5 year old son. One that made her fearful enough to kennel him during the day until her husband came home. After having known this dog and his gentle nature I'm convinced she misread what had happened. I believe Zeus probably saved this boy from getting hurt the only way he knew how, by placing his mouth around the boys arm or some limb to prevent him from harm. The Mom, I believe walked in on this and not knowing the situation took at face value and assumed the dog was getting ready to harm the boy. The boy having been stopped from doing something bad doesn't want to get in trouble so blames the dog also and so the dog had to go.
This is not fact, this is just my assumptions after having the dog for 8 months. He was broken hearted at having lost his entire family in one day, not to mention the other 2 pitbulls they had. we tried to make him happy but he had an enlarged heart and passed away. 
Sometimes I think if I hadn't answered the ad he would still be happy at home where he belonged looking after his family. I really don't think he was capable of hurting anyone least of all his wards. Not to make them feel bad or anything but I need to make other people aware of the ways dogs save us because they have no hands. What would you have him do if he sees your child in harms way? The only thing a dog has to grab the kid id its mouth, not to bite but to lead out of harms way. If a pit bull wants to bite yoyr child chunks of them would be missing, their mouths are so big and when they bite down they don't let go until its dead. Its what they do its why they are bred. That and their easy going nature and their undying loyalty. Zeus had no idea why he was rehomed and to this day my heart goes out to him because I know to well what its like to lose everything and everybody, through no fault of your own. 
Now I could be wrong but everything tells me I'm not. So now in his memory, I will immortalize, the God of all dogs; Zeusafer! 
This is not the only picture I have of him but mostly they are on my phone so I'll add them later. This one does not do him justice. Nor me if I do say so myself. 
As humans we tend to not give our cohabitants, of this planet, any credit. We don't want to see the effects we directly have on  these defenseless animals. Just like we don't want to realize that pesticides and herbicides directly effect not only our physical health but our mental and sexual health as well. The only reason why I'm able to see how we are systematically rid ourselves of any and possible threats.
Still I can't recall ever seeing animals in any futuristic prediction or artist rendition of the future. They are all sterile and lifeless, kind of like space. That is exactly the oposite of what we are intented to do. There is enough lifelessness in space we need not add our own planet! We are suppose to bring life to the universe, light it up with color that only life's diversity can bring. When are we going to take our rightful place in the universe? Believe me when I say life not death not destruction but life in all its glory and perfection. Life is perfection and long as it can reach out and go where it knows it needs to to survive itself. Here we are stagnate, still, sitting is the new smoking so move we must!. 
Who among us will be the first to bend, fold, bridge or whatever new term it takes on; time travel we must or time needs to travel to us. Maybe that's it we can't travel through time but maybe time can travel to us. Just another stupid idea or not. Lets face it how ever it happens it isn't something that aliens can already do.  we may have to wait until the universe starts collapsing on itself and everything turns around and goes back where they came from. Of course by then we won't want to be that close. Distracted again!
Back to the universe. Have we tried sending anything as fast as we can get it going into a blackhole? I am not saying it will make a difference but if there is any chance at all in figuring out the universe blackholes may be a good place to look. How to get an object going that fast is up to smarter people then I am and thak god we have them. The more data we can collect of these sleeping giants the closer we may come to unlocking the mysteries of the univers and our own blue sphere. I'm just saying give it a thought. Please and thank you!

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