Sunday, July 25, 2021


They Have Fewer Places To Drink

By V. Martin

Not too long ago I wrote about how the wild animals have smaller and smaller areas to hunt, that they are starving. After camping along a river populated with campers and fisherman(person?). There was no place for animals to get a drink from this river for many many miles if at all. With the fires raging almost year round their opportunities for food and water grow slimmer and slimmer. I get that we want to do what ever we feel is our God given right but seriously the animals were here before us. Why in all our infinite wisdom do we continue to do stupid things? We don't want to be confined or restricted but we don't want to be responsible for the damage living our lives the way we do does. It is no joke when they say that everything is connected, that it's all relative. Einstein was no slouch, one of the greatest minds of our time and we ignore his warnings everyday. So what was the point? If no one wants to pay attention, back to everything as it was, back to destroying our only parent. God may be our Father, caretaker of our immortal souls but Mother Nature is caretaker of physical being and without our immortal souls have no place to learn. That is another thing, haven't we learned where not to be yet? Why do we continue to build in the way of her most horrific acts of weather? We know exactly what causes these storms and where yet we build right in its path then we're surprised when the houses are gone and some people are missing. This happens time after time and I believe Einstein describes this as the definition of crazy. To continue to do the same thing over and over yet each time expecting a different outcome. No, we have to do something different and now, not tomorrow now. 

We may have to sacrifice a few amenities, learn how to generate our own power as individuals for our personal needs. Like, mobil solor panels, light weight and flexable so you can fold them up and take them every where to use to charge your personal devices all day long. At night we can get our exercise by pedaling our stationary bikes(yes like Gilligan) to generate power for lights, TVs, and small appliances. Batteries or generator for water heater and stove all charged by solar panels during the day. Get creative but don't be stupid, safety first.

The idea of having smaller communities within larger ones all with different power needs for general community safety and commerce at night. Night should be kept to very few businesses just to cut back on so much light, not for criminals but for the animals. Think about how dark it must have been way back when, they still romed free, using their night vision to hunt. Now they get nothing but light but there are no more animals to really see anyway. It's not like they can go inside and cool off and  degree and a half is enough to wipe out nearly all the wide life that's left and that will lead to yet even more global warming. Much hotter and it won't be long before we are no more. How long do we think we can last without animals, fish, birds, bugs, basically all life but our own? I could only guess so I'm not going to.

Mother Nature maybe using this virus to keep us where she wants us, still, non polluting. Of course we are not listening too busy trying to get back to normal. HELLO! Normal is killing us!!!! We need to get busy making up the new normal and more then that living the new normal because yes even while staying home we are still living. Can you imagine what our great Grandparents did without the internet, without TV, without cars? Remember when people had to ride horses to get around? Or Sails were all they had to cross the Atlantic Ocean or any other for that matter? People use to play cards and board games, people use to gather around the piano and sing old songs really bad. Not everyone was Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga. 
Maybe we just need to be still for a while in order to hear what Mother Nature wants us to do next. How else are we ever going to hear her answers if we never stop to listen? Just like sometimes we need to go back to the beginning to find out were we went wrong and choosing a different course going forward. 
If we don't stop with what isn't working how will we have room for new?
Think outside the box. Do we even know what that means? Do we even realize how hard it is to think differently? we should just by how hard it is to do anything different. We don't want to think or change but if we don't we die, plain and simple. That means off the grid we must go. That means living in a much smaller world then the one we currently live in. Flying for pleasure will be way too expensive for the majority of the population. Flying is only for emergencies and business, only. No more fining businesses when they cause a catastophic catastrophe. They need to be made to clean up the mess by any means necessary that doesn't do more harm then good regardless of the cost. The reason will be known and if found the disaster was preventable the guilty party will be put on trial and if found to be negligent will serve time. Mother Nature needs to be protected by any means possible and even some immossible ones if thet is what it takes.

There has to be something we can do even if it's doing nothing because every move we make puts another nail in the coffin of Mother Nature and her habitants. I for one will miss clean air to breathe, I do not look forward to suffocating eventually, on the very air that use to sustain us. I love pure water more then almost anything and don't look forward to using my shirt to filter out the ash and soot just to get a drop of disgusting not water water.
Already I miss the constant chirping of the birds, their silents is the biggest warning that the end is near I don't know what is. Maybe the fires that never go out any more and the mud slides because the burn scars aren't able to recover without the animals and bugs needed to reestablish brush, trees, wild flowers, berry bushes and other vegetation animals rely on for food and water. 
I don't live on the coast but I imagine our oceans are in a sorry state as well. No more eating fish people! We have to stop depleating our oceans at least for a while, sacrificies must be made! No more camp fires! Please stop camping all together, give Mother Nature a break. There is nothing more important right now then to save the planet and I for one will make the ultimate sacrifice when and if the time comes. Hopefully we will pull our asses out of our heads and it won't be necessary but if it is I have nothing to live for anyway. All I live for now is to try and come up with a viable solution people will listen to and adhere to as well. Outside the box. The big thing is think off the grid. Off the grid gives back to the people power and control over their own power. Tesla was right it should be free and we should be able to pull it right of the air and we do; solar and wind. 
Since lightning strikes the earth a lot of times all day and night shouldn't it be nothing but a huge battery? Bursting with energy? Yes it is that where we get volcanoes and earth quakes, why aren't we relieving her of this burden by sucking that energy right off the top? Maybe that is what we are here to do, to relieve the pressure built up by the constant bumbardment of lightning strikes. We need to figure out how to be the earths pressure gauge like that thing on the top of a prssure cooker letting out just enough energy to keep the whole thing from blowing up. See there's energy in just a simple pressure cooker. 
Clean animal friendly energy. Why did we decide on an energy that if put in closed quarters will kill any living organism. What did we think would happen eventually? Here we are facing what very well might be the end and all we care about is getting back to the normal we know is killing us and this planet. 

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