Saturday, August 31, 2019

Foster Families Not Children

Keep Kids With Their Families

By V. Martin

The last thing we should be doing is removing children from their homes, separating them from their family. Instead the whole family should be put in foster care until they are ready to stay together. They should take classes and go to therapy to work out whatever their problems are. They may want to take some classes on parenting and how to handle money responsibly to relieve some of the stress that comes with poverty. Kids without families is unacceptable no one will ever take better care of a child than their family. Mostly I am referring to older children in the foster care system what kind of chance do they have? Everything should be done to keep them from entering the system. Then after all other options are exhausted only then will it even be considered as an option. When an older child is abandoned they have no choice but to believe it’s them so the whole family needs to be involved so the child knows it’s not them. It’s their parents, so we need to treat the whole family.

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