Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Indigenous People

The People Earth Owns

by Vonia Martin

First, I want to say how truly sorry I am to be a white person, how ashamed of my ancestors I am. White people are almost completely to blame for the state of the world today and American white people are to blame for all that is called 'progress'.  Well, maybe England has had a bigger hand in the beginning of the end for life as we know it. All for what? Money, gold, power? In the name of what? All that is ugly and horrible? Who made white people? Satan? As a race we have single handedly enslaved Africans and brought them to America where we all but eradicated an entire race of Indigenous people, the Native Americans. Not to mention what we did to the tribes in Canada. My soul is sick with what we have done to this planet and the animals that use to thrive here. 
We do nothing to stop global warming while the Indigenous people all over the world are trying everything they can to save this planet but lets face it the damage is done. We have over fished, over hunted, over grown, and over populated the planet with an enormous amount of stupid, disrespectful people.    

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