Monday, August 19, 2019


Is A Desperate Attempt For Attention

By Vonia Martin 

When does some one finally notice how fantastic you are? Is anyone ever going to take the time to just observe your greatness? The way you go about doing things and the different possibilities as to why should keep some one very busy.  Does it ever occur to them to just ask you?  Some day and hopefully by then you will still remember why. Too long can be just as impossible as too soon ago. Some where in the middle lies your memory is that the right lye? Hummm Anyway, if it is lie that is interesting in itself in that you never thought about it before but you’re sure some one else already has. 
If it’s a different lie or lay we’ll try to forgive your improper grammar.  Some days you just know other days you know nothing. What dictates which or who shows up isn’t necessarily influenced by your drug use or now the lack there of.  Although the first could be directly linked to your lack of short term memory. Like I have completely forgot what point I was trying to make. At 51 my attention span is a fraction of what it should be, or so you would think. When I’m ready to think about it I will and this can take years in some cases even decades. You let nothing go no matter how remote or obscure  It’s place in the universe will be reverled to you in due time. 
I needed to post pictures of my temperature all on different random days or nights over the past 4-6 months. 

Obviously, these are in no particular order as far as to which came first except they are most likely backward latest first. I have another thermometer but it needs batteries.
I’ll get around to it eventually but this is what I have so far.  

My core temp is a lot lower then the average by about 2 degrees. What this means I have no idea but there it is. I also have detached lobes and an extra nipple. One of my eyes is bigger then the other and they change color. I'm self diagnosed dyslexic. I was naturally left handed but was made to be right handed this what I believed to cause my disorder. This is becoming more and more true with no markers or varients for dyslexia that means it is an environmental.

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