Thursday, January 12, 2023
Sunday, January 8, 2023
By V. Martin
After watching the horrific beating that man took by multiple police officers I can barely contain my anger. Anger at everyone, myself included, for not standing up for this man from the beginning. Those officers need to be held accountable for what they did wether Mr. King believes he deserved it or not. We, no I, know better. No one no matter what they did to get the attention of the police deserve to be beat within an inch of their life, period. Short of molesting a tender age child, that is, for which I don’t believe he did. Anyway, Mr. King, obviously, was beaten so severely that even he believed he deserved it. It makes it easier for him to move on and take back some of the power and control he lost that night.
There is also another theory that I have and that is the police beat him into it, probably threatening his life and the lives of the people he loves. Telling him with every blow that he asked for it. What did he think would happen? Driving at night through a part of town he had no business in? Who did he think he was? Pain, physical pain, inflicted so cruelly and with night sticks by the very people that are suppose to protect you, changes a person. Fear of it happening again or worse to the people you care most about can be the greatest motivator of all.
As a society it is our job to protect its citizens when they cannot protect themselves. It is a form of PTSD and that night Mr. King stepped into a war he didn’t know existed or had forgotten he was still a soldier in. The war on drugs was simply a war on chocolate colored people, drugs was just the excuse they used to engage them, brutalize and kill them.
Unfortunately, it is probably too late to get justice, not only for Mr. King but for his entire family and any people those police officers have brutalized since. Mr. King, I hope you are doing well and please forgive me for not defending you when you could not defend yourself. You in no way deserved what you got unless you were found molesting a tender age child or any child for that matter, which I don’t believe you were. Those cops did not have to beat you, they could have put you in cuffs rendering you defenseless. From what I saw you already were but they kept on hitting, kicking, bashing you with a night stick. They nearly killed you and probably gave you brain damage, that too could contribute to your delusions of asking for it.
Don’t get me wrong, it is in no way your fault. I mean you didn’t have a knife or a gun? I never even saw you try to hit any of them nor put up a hand to block their blows, you just took it and kept on taking it. It’s impossible for me to know exactly how you must have felt or still feel so I won’t pretend to. I have PTSD and I am becoming good at spotting it in others, now, not then. Trauma isn’t hard to spot when it is caught on camera and you know the signs in their reaction.
I hope to do better going forward.
Saturday, January 7, 2023
Tuesday, December 13, 2022
Monday, December 12, 2022
Sunday, November 20, 2022
Quiet Rage
Screaming Silence
By V. Martin
You know what you did
leaving me with no one to trust
Apart of you hid
The truth, you feel you must
Be drastic and stop our use of
Plastic it is killing everything
Soon we will all choke
Forget your stupid power stroke
Engines. Maybe we should get
Creative think outside the set
Not all comes together
No matter the weather
Ha! That rhymes
Mother fucker and
Together love is forever
But never do I want to be bored
Even if it means my apples
Are never cored
It is in the movement
Not in the pose
So get your nose
Out of my crotch
You Lume bitch
I left my pussy
With my tushy
So suck it
Don’t lick it
Definitely don’t shit
On my parade
Or promenade
All you Bridgetons
Mother, daughter, father and son
If only my life was like…
Anyone else’s but my own
Then maybe I could atone
But as it is, I have asked for forgiveness
Not permission it is easier that way
Not everyone wants me to succeed
They would rather I smoke some weed
War is war no matter the venue
Food is food no matter the menu
Forward is the only way if we want to continue
But distract me all you dare
My ideas I will no longer share
It unless it directly assists me in my quest
I am ready to pass every test
Unless you stand in my way
I hope you won’t unless you pay
In every way possible because you
Have already costs me enough
You I cannot trust