Tuesday, November 15, 2022


 Maybe our planet wasn’t meant to be stationary

ByV. Martin

Like us our planet needs to move to stay alive however I want to take it a step further. All the planets out there look pretty dead but ours could it be ours was the last to stay in place? Considering how short life stays alive it is a possibility and we have no record of it. What if our planet is dying because it needs to move to stay healthy? It is no longer viable for us to stay where we are and evacuating the planet is not possible and maybe moving the whole damn thing isn’t either but if we don’t try we may all die. 
Another option is to return it to its natural state, like getting rid of all the damns or at least lower their levels. It may sound extreme but so is what’s going on climate wise.
Maybe I just had too much to drink.


 We Have It All Wrong

   By Vonia Martin

         For most people it is hard to imagine having to choose between committing crimes or becoming a drug addict. Yes doing drugs is against the law but one the user inflicts on themself not others.  When most of society has turned its back on you where do you turn? To whom ever will take you in; criminals.
The only way they will let you in their world is if they can trust you and they only trust other criminals. The only way to be a criminal but not commit crimes against others is to do drugs. I know it sounds kinda crazy but survival is the key so without even really thinking about it you do what you have to. It may not make sense to the sober mind but the altered one gets it. It’s like you have to sacrifice yourself to save yourself. Not everyone in the foster care system does drugs but I can understand why if they do. When you end up on the street, if you age out or run away, you are faced with some confusing decisions to make.
No one wants you except to use you for whatever they think you are good for; sex, drug running or dealing, violence, thief, human trafficking, or worse. None of which you want to do so you act so stupid and happily confused all you’re good for is doing drugs and having sex. Which mostly hurts you because everyone else has forsaken you for no other reason then the potential you might hurt them because that’s what foster kids do. All you have to do is look at the statistics to know they are just criminals in the making. The reason people believe this is because the average foster kid is conditioned to take the blame for everything, even shit they didn’t do, mostly shit they didn’t do. It maybe hard to imagine, for most people, being in a situation that false confessions are expected of you then used against you like they are real. You are told that you are doing the right thing the only thing that gives you any value at all. Cops love foster kids because they confess to what ever they want so they can close the cases where they or someone they know actually committed the crime. Some criminals use foster kids the same way because they can. Once the case is closed they are in the clear for that crime. It’s too easy to get these kids to falsely confess because they have nothing and are going no where so it gives them something to almost feel proud of. Society has never done anything for them so leaving criminals on the street because they took the fall doesn’t bother them too much. At least in prison they are safe and off the street, they get three meals, a bed, a roof over their head and can stay sober. Most other inmates leave you alone because you never get a visitor, letter, or phone call, no one puts money on your books.
Your life expectancy is way shorter then everyone else’s because you get an automatic DNR without asking you because no loved ones to say any different. Most of the deaths are deemed suicide wether it really was or not because no one cares how you really died. I mean, why wouldn’t you kill yourself when you have no reason to live? You are a scape goat for the worst of us and no one cares that you are innocent because no one cares wether you live or die. Through out you life people have tried to get you to do potentially hazardous things, some even deadly, which makes survival even harder. Over the years, you couldn’t help but developed a sixth sense about these harmful people and the situations they tried to put you in so you wouldn’t survive.   Then there is life itself seems to want you here because you keep surviving even when you don’t want to.

Sunday, March 13, 2022



                               by Vonia Martin

Dear life, why do you have to be so long?

Like the rope around my neck you keep stepping on
Give me some slack. And my pride back
Stop living your life through mine
You had your chance, I'm not your mime

If you have regrets, too late, you’re out of time
You were denied as a child, what a crime
If you keep pushing your shit on me, I’ll drop a dime
Just to be rid of your sorry ass
And the half empty half full glass
You floated in on, like the cube you are
Take your dope and that sorry ass air guitar
You, road in on. You call it an axe so chop, chop
Get your axe and chop your wood
Into submission but with your permission
Dear life, why do you have to be so short?
Unlike golf a faux sport that goes on and on and on and on and on
You’ll be over before I know it
just as you were fitting in
it’s off to the looney bin
for drugs and restraints
You never claimed to be a saint
No, Far from it
You like to sin, 

If you can win

But as it is,
No life for you as a star                                                                                                                                    

For you it will be pain
All you can eat like a salad bar
Only it comes to you like rain
No veggies just rejection
By the way you never came
You faked every orgasm
In the sack, you’re kind of lame 
No, you suck and swallow
The marrow out of the very bones
Of the people, you claim to love the most
Get out of bed and pull your head
Out of my ass
burn your own fucking toast
You lazy fuck
Dear life, why do you have to be so hard?
Hard like concrete not hard like a penis
you may not be dumb but it doesn’t take a genius
To fake pleasure, harder to fake pain
Unless you keep some in reserve, 
you know you have a lot of nerve
But someone has to say, what needs to be said
Put a couple of lead slugs in my head
Make sure I'm good and dead
Before you wear my ass as a hat                                                                                                                                   

I must warn you, I'm a crazy old bat
That’s been hated by far better then you
Pure evil through and through
Now you can float, to the bottom
Rock bottom so you can begin
To descend, don’t try to pretend
You were never my friend, this façade should end
you’d rather smile with no teeth then have you see me so beneath
No, so beyond yourself you’re out of reach
Dear life, how can you be so cruel?
You should have let me drown in my own drool
It’s like a piece of you broke off and is stuck in my throat
Here take another toke, before long you’ll get the joke
To me, if you commit, it means piss and submit
A sample of my pee, to see
What drugs they can give, so I can live
A drug free life, is no life for me
Does anyone have some dirty? Urine? 
I can pay with shit, Wednesday for some pee today?
Now don’t delay my buzz a moment
Too long
Some may say I have a drug problem
Which is true if I don’t have any
But as long as I do and not many
will hear me say,
There will come a day                                                                                                                             
You’ll hear me ask
Dear life, why are you such a bitch?
You should have left me in the ditch
You discovered me in
your excuses wear thin
As my life turns to shit
but you'll never admit 
to what you did.
Behind me you hid, like the pussy you are
no accountability for you not even a scar
that's for me to bare, life isn't fair
that's why I wonder.  
Dear life, why do I live?
I have nothing left for you to give.
so let's call it good 
or bad come now don't be sad
happiness is a choice
unlike the sound of my voice
nagging you to do something, anything
just not what you're doing
whatever that is it's hurting me
the longer you hide 
behind my pride the more I withdraw
my support but I can't report what you've done
with you there is no fun only lies
echoing, vibrating in your endless shallow
soul you need to smoke another bowl.
it's the only time the light comes on
behind your dead cold eyes
and the mountain of lies, you've sold your
self to your weakness
Dear life, why do you always end?
You weren't very kind
As you went slowly out of my mind.
All of a sudden I couldn't speak
Wait a while then we'll seek
out the leak. What do I have to plug
the hole in your soul the piece of you 
stuck in my throat? If I can hack it up
but unlike a boat you don't float
Dear life, why is there so much pain?
that only circles the drain never to go down
only to come back again and again as it gains
a life of it's own and now it's all grown
into the monster I am so then I ran
but she follows me every where I go
at least you can get away, how do you think I feel?
To live this life that to me is so surreal
I heard the saying "you can't rape the willing"?
I became willing so you couldn't be raped
I'd rather be a slut then a victim 
especially when the system is set to protect 
those who pose the greatest threat
The wounds won't heal but still won't reveal there origin
it's like an organ full of cancer if not cut out will spread
like the disease life is. 
Dear life, how can we undo what we've done?
How will our children feel when there's no sun?
how do I tell him he inherits all my wealth
but all of it won't bring back his health
It's best to separate ones self from the crimes
others have committed or you may do their time
"guilty by association" as the saying goes
god this part really blows.
I have no children to explain this big pile of shit to
Unlike you you have too much to say
Dear life, how can I like you?
when I know you're just temporary?
You're trying to set me up for a big fall
first let's recall what got us to this point.
Too soon ago for me to remember
unless I smoke a joint
but I don't do that any more
but I do miss the floor 
I crawled on when 
I couldn't find the door
or my feet for which I could stand
would it kill you to give a hand?
Never mind I'll just land
with my back to the floor
It's a shorter distance to hell
from my graces you already fell 
is all I hear you say
You're just talking from your rear
until you tell me what I want to hear.
What that is I have no clue
but I'll know it when I hear it
but go practice on some one else.
I'm just kidding, 
what else do I have to do?
but enjoy all the wonders around me
Like the red skies at night
caused by carbon monoxide or
some such shitty pollutant.
My life is already half over 
if I live to be a hundred and sober
but I won't pretend that I can't wait
to catch a buzz but if I was still
high I would be late to my own fate
which is the fate of us all; death.
That's it take another breath
Which only brings you closer to the abyss
that when it looks back at me it sees only emptiness 
Dear life, do you really know what you're doing?
Or are you just faking it like the rest of us? 
I never asked to be here
in the first place.
Your mostly ungrateful
optimistic, pesimist,  V


Monday, March 7, 2022



By V. Martin

Just wanted to let you know that I am still alive in-spite of you and all you have done to me. So there! You have tried many times to end me but I am still here so better luck next time. You thought all you had to do was leave me and I would curl up and die. It’s true at first that is all I wanted to do but then I thought maybe you would come back and I had to still be here so I sucked it up. Everyone else wanted to dish out more, like I had done something wrong. There are no words to describe the way people have treated me since you have left me. Without parents a person is no one, without someone we are no one. Without some one there is no one for anyone to answer to so it is a free for all on your life and death, for that matter. When you have no one, you are truly no one, no worse then no one you are a criminal even if you haven’t broken the law. All anyone sees you as is a scape goat for what ever crimes they have committed or, if you happen to have a brain cell, or two a source of “their” ideas. 
None of that matters because you are very aware of how I am taken advantage of. You stopped caring about me Whalen ever a man came along so good riddance to you both! I am working at the little store here in Frederick and have been for a few months now. The government finally forgave the loans they never gave me so my credit score went done but oh well.
My hope is to some day have a place big enough for a lot of us family less people have a place to live. I want to work the land and live off the grid, totally self sustaining. Eventually, I want to open a store on the same property to display and sell the stuff that the disposable people make to help sustain them through lean times. I do not want to turn anyone who has no one away. 
I will apply for government grants to keep notes and track of the people living with me and what happens to them over the years. Everyone of them will get a puppy or rescue dog when they arrive, one they are solely responsible for.

Monday, July 26, 2021


Why Don't The Ones Lost at Dozier?

By V. Martin

First, thank you so much for being brave enough to come forward with these heart wrenching experiences suffered by so many children over such a long period of time while in the care of the state of Florida. From what I understand this so called "school" for boys was really a prison for children where even adult prisons took better care of their murderers and rapist. The boys at Dozier were hardly that going in, some justpicked up off the street never to be seen again. Mostly young African Americans living in poverty with little education. For over a hundred years this school was open, just closing in 2011, and yet there are no living surviving workers? Other then the one armed man? This fact alone I find very disturbing or is it fact? Who has tried to track these people down? How can all of them be dead? It doesn't surprise me that there are so few actual survivors from the students that went there. The statistics from that place are probably even more disturbing, better they are all dead or changed their identity maybe even their sex to go undetected. Who knows, clearly I do not but I do know enough to form some pretty good ideas of what went on there. 

The small number of survivors that have some how gathered the courage to finally tell what they endured during their unfortunate time there deserve nothing but our admiration and undying gratitude and support. You my friends are so brave to bare your souls so shamelessly when shame parellized you for so long. Not your shame but your abusers, their shame that through their abuse became yours. Thank you for not letting it go on any longer, you have saved countless lives. It seems to me that the state of Florida can and should do better by these families that through DNA lost loved ones at Dozier. It doesn't matter who killed them because the only ones responsible are the grown ass adults that at some point had received training on how to care for these kids. If in fact some of the kids did the killing, I have a feeling they were made to do it by the staff to ensure their silence. Kids are so impressionable especially if put in a place like Dozier where they are told there is only one way out and that is to kill on of the other boys. Or maybe something like that, how else does a place like that stay under the radar for over 100+ years? 

These are boys being raped by men hired and paid to care for them by the state of Florida. Parents were made to believe their sons turned killer then had to be killed was at dozier for smoking in the boy's room at school. The survivors referred to orphans that sometimes got sent there simple because there was no other place to put them and probably none of them ever left there. I believe these to be the bones of the ones they hunted like animals and killed then left where they died. Some of the bones where fragments, why would a skull be in so many different pieces? Animals don't do that to a skull except one; man. These are bones that have been exposed to all kinds of elements, sure, but the damage I saw there is no doubt these kids had their faces smashed in. They went from the "White House" to a white cardboard box no bigger then a medium flat rate box at the post office.  These families are never going to be made whole nor do they expect to make money off their relatives pain and suffering but what the fuck? Who knows what these young men would have become or how much money they would have been able to earn if not for their untimely death. Why should continue to say the worlds but not back it up with any action? 

Isn't it about time we give the same value to all kids, not just the ones that come from wealthy white families. These boys, for the most part, didn't stand a chance one way or another they were going to be made to wish they were dead if they weren't really. Anyway, my point is this, if we as a society continue to claim that black lives matter we better start putting our money where our mouths are and fork over some cash. It may sound materiallistic but damn it that's better then what they got. There isn't that many maybe 14? Their families, the victims whose remains fit in a little box, should not want for anything in the state of Florida. These families had children basicly kidnapped off the street, in some cases, only to be returned to their loved ones 75+ years later in a white card board box no bigger then what you would ship a hat in. This is what we deem fair? Talk about adding insult to injury! SHAME ON FLORIDA!!!! Florida murdered these children just the same as if they kicked the living shit out of them itself and everyone living there is condoning it!! Of, course there were more then 14 unmarked graves if I remember correctly they found over 50 possible grave sights whith how many grave in each we will never know because there are no more survivors to claim or run DNA against to find a match. These are the orphansor foster kids that the state sent to Dozier for no other reason then to be rid of them and Dozier had a great record for making them disappear. It was a win win as they say with the only looser dead at the end of the day killed by one of the boys so no one will want to investigate because it was a disposable child one that won't be missed. 

2011 and there are no staff members still alive save one with one arm who claims that the boys killed each other. If they killed someone were they then sent to prison? Was there a trial, who were these child killers and what happened to them and more importantly were are they now? Why would everyone be dead? Especially the kids why would they all have died already if not from suicide in which case the school is still killing its wards. There is no way so many lives were lost without their knowledge. For instance the fire that broke out and killed several of the boys but no guard was injured in trying to save them of put out the fire. Was there even an investigation as to what started it and why some of the boys didn't escape but rather parished in the burning building. Did one of the boys start this fire and if so why? Was there any attempt to even find out? Fire can be a precursor for a future serial killer and imagine Dozier produced a few. It would be interesting to find out the numbers.

What parent doesn’t want to pass on all their knowledge to their children before they die? I assume all of you and even those who have never had children still find themselves wanting to do the same. I am of the latter, childless, but not so in my heart all children are mine. Not in some weird creepy way but in an understanding of what a responsibility it is to be an adult and what that means to a child. Honesty, is the number one characteristic above all others children respond to the most. Even when the news of the situation is negative and dire children respond the way they have been taught to and panicking never wins. Panicking wastes a lot of valuable time and should be avoided at all costs. If panic does set in and talking them out of it sensibly and directly fail a sharp slap in the face or clapping ones hands right in front of their face or ears may bring them around. Most children are far smarter and adaptable then we give them credit for. 

Having spent most of my childhood in foster care, in Arizona, I have some intimate knowledge of the child care system and what that can do to a child. For six years I went from foster home to foster home mostly abusive in one way or another but none more then my Momster’s version of a family. Fortunately, for me, I had a father that had custody of me for a short time when I was four, even though his third wife and her daughter hated me and pushed me down the stairs I was my father’s daughter. Level headed, honest, hard headed, smart, and logical. Unfortunately, for me, my father’s third wife had it out for me so when they called telling her that my mother gave me up for adoption she didn’t pass on the message to my father. After a certain period of time and so many attempts to contact him, I entered the foster care system with my half brother, Keven. At first, no I am still in shock that she could do this to us and I am now 53, at any moment now she will come through the door. She would smell of sunshine and cigarettes with some lame excuse as to why she took so long but all was well now that she was there. Of course it was!!!! Gone? You were gone? Hardly even noticed now that you are back but every time it happens I remember more and more of the times you are not there. Now I can hardly remember the times you were there and they all include my brother who is no longer here and I cannot afford to lose those memories since we cannot make more. So more good news from the side effects of being familyless, it’s not even a word so unusual it is to put those two words together. 

For as long as I can forget they have been telling me to shut up and put up and for just as long I have been telling them to make me. My brother did when he cut my tongue with the scissors but I’m not sticking my tongue out this time. My ex boyfriend’s campaign to make me negative almost worked in shutting me up but for the fact that it is a negative statement to begin with. Besides the truth is what it is, it’s the people creating the situations that determine wether the out comes are negative or positive. Some people want everyone to win even if it means they lose. So someone is losing but what if none of us are losers? What if all things are relevant they just haven’t found out where they are real yet. To be real the decisions we make must be relevant but what if our timing is all off? Or another way to look at it is, we are not aligned with the rest of the universe, we are trying to fight when we should surrender. We are trying to nurture with a hammer put down the hammer and pick up a gallon of ROh2o and go water a tree that isn’t already dead. 

It sounds silly, I know, but if we don’t no one will be laughing for a very long time, if at all ever again. DO YOU NOT GET IT? WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE!!!! We need to set up vertical gardens now, we need to get off the grid and do very little until the planet stabilizes then we need to be very careful how we procede from there. For now we need to put down the hammer and drill, we need to put on the breaks and store our vehicles for a year or two. We need to do a lot less spending on stupid shit that is not necessary. Communities need to be self sustaining and in harmony with Mother Nature. There isn’t anything save but food, shelter, and clean pure water and air that we cannot learn to live without and so we shall. My opinion is that it will be a lot less painful if we voluntarily start giving up some of the things we can live without instead of waiting until it’s too late. Too late in this case will be fatal, not just to me and you but to all living things as we know them. 

Has it been so long since the last volcano  explosion, the last tornadoes, fires, earthquakes and any other natural disaster that we do nothing about the pending doom heading straight for us? I thought my short term memory was short but societies short term memory simple does not exist. No wonder we are in such trouble, we have no memory at all short or long. We do not want to be bothered by memories when they get in the way of what we think progress is. When it comes to making money, nothing stands in the way. When it comes to flexing our countries muscles no resource is protected not even human beings. When a country puts money before it’s people to the point the people have a price tag and depending on the color of your tag dictates your value within that society. 

Unfortunately, having a foster kid in the neighborhood does nothing for the property value just like a black male. We are a high risk factor that should be kept an eye on. When the whole community is on watch it brings them together to have a common enemy and foster kids are an easy target. So I can understand why the surrounding communities knew nothing of what was going on at Dozier and the ones that did were probably related to the staff or part of the staff. It really isn’t surprising that it went on for so long because what else did they have? These are troubled teens on drugs, drop outs, juvenile offenders some with criminal records almost all without a father and some even without a mother. The orphans got it the worst, they were hunted and killed like animals by the other boys made to be there. It is my belief that the staff at that hell hole made those boys kill one another. It is another way they got away with it for so long, turn your victims into the monster they fear; yourself. Everyone wants to pass their knowledge to the next generation. Dozier was a school but not a reform on but one on pain, suffering, serial killing. My belief is that they trained serial killers at that school and harbored them after their killings when the heat was on. It is why serial killers are so hard to catch, they go back to their beginning where they always have plenty of victims. Not as much fun, killing the willing. Well, let’s just say they didn’t put up much of a fight.

The unwanted never want to live not like the loved ones do and even less then the ones that are loving. One even claimed to love him, once. That made him more angry then he had ever been in his life, how fucked up is that? Loving the one who is going to take take your life in the most painful grotesque way? Pretty fucked up, I would say and just did. Ha! Boys, boys and more boys to kill in any and every way he could think of and he has thought of some really beautiful ways.

None more so then what he did to that young doctor and his wife. His wife in the fact she lost her life and the husband in the fact that he got home in the not so nick of time to save his wife but to see a one armed man fleeing the scene. The husband is accused, tried, and convicted of the murder serving years before he is released once DNA proves he didn’t do it. The TV program is close to the story but for the fact that Dr. Shepard goes on the run rather then face life in prison but to try and clear his name by finding the one armed man. My idea is that he couldn’t find him because he was back in the arms of the place that made him, Dozier. A lab for serial killers, a vocational school for mass murders. If you’re not disturbed when you arrive never fear fear will change all that with a lot of terror thrown in for good measure. You will be raped by the staff and other kids, made fun of, laughed at, tortured, starved, beaten, hunted, until you are willing to do anything to make it stop. Anything! That anything was committing crimes against the other boys maybe even murder. You do not want to but if you don’t… 

The staff, that let this go on and even participated in the torture and rape of these young men are deplorable and should be tortured in the same way only that is probably why they are the way they are. No one will be held accountable for any of the murders or suicides that went on there nor will we ever know the true number of victims that place claimed. Not just because they didn’t keep any real records but because alligators and crocodiles live in the Everglades and no body, no crime, no child, no justice, no grave, no marker, no name you simply did not even exist. The staff at Dozier knew exactly what they were doing and knew exactly how to get away with it. They turned out more then one serial killer I guarantee it but who is the question. The one armed man was one of them, I believe, he was a resident at the school for most of his life, hiding out there when his acts drew too much attention. 

It wouldn’t surprise me if he couldn’t come and go as he pleased without so much as one staff member knowing. There were times when the staff would not be on board with his activities but that would change it always did. People are so susceptible especially the disposable ones they want so badly to be loved they don’t care by who. They not only make perfect victims they make perfect future serial killers. It’s all in the training. It’s not as hard as one would think to create a killer that wants and even likes to kill. Certain things are required but not limited to… what those things are I can only guess. This book explores a little bit of the serial killer phenomenon that seems to have gripped this country.


If need be President Biden should step in to talk some sense into all of us.  Or not.