Monday, March 7, 2022



By V. Martin

Just wanted to let you know that I am still alive in-spite of you and all you have done to me. So there! You have tried many times to end me but I am still here so better luck next time. You thought all you had to do was leave me and I would curl up and die. It’s true at first that is all I wanted to do but then I thought maybe you would come back and I had to still be here so I sucked it up. Everyone else wanted to dish out more, like I had done something wrong. There are no words to describe the way people have treated me since you have left me. Without parents a person is no one, without someone we are no one. Without some one there is no one for anyone to answer to so it is a free for all on your life and death, for that matter. When you have no one, you are truly no one, no worse then no one you are a criminal even if you haven’t broken the law. All anyone sees you as is a scape goat for what ever crimes they have committed or, if you happen to have a brain cell, or two a source of “their” ideas. 
None of that matters because you are very aware of how I am taken advantage of. You stopped caring about me Whalen ever a man came along so good riddance to you both! I am working at the little store here in Frederick and have been for a few months now. The government finally forgave the loans they never gave me so my credit score went done but oh well.
My hope is to some day have a place big enough for a lot of us family less people have a place to live. I want to work the land and live off the grid, totally self sustaining. Eventually, I want to open a store on the same property to display and sell the stuff that the disposable people make to help sustain them through lean times. I do not want to turn anyone who has no one away. 
I will apply for government grants to keep notes and track of the people living with me and what happens to them over the years. Everyone of them will get a puppy or rescue dog when they arrive, one they are solely responsible for.

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