Sunday, March 15, 2020

Is Anyone Missing Their Geese?

We Have Them

By V. Martin

For many years now Colorado has been over run with geese in the winter time. They should be further south by now but here they stay. Some like to say because we are making it too nice for them here but that can’t be true. There is no way we can make it nicer then our southern states in the winter. There is a very good reason for them to fly south and that’s so they don’t freeze to the lakes and/or fields. They don’t want to be here any more than we want them but some thing has disrupted their water way south. Some how we need to find out what path they use to take and reroute them with a drone or decoy to show them the way.
My concern is that I don't hear nearly the amount of birds that I use to. The silence is killing me. Now that I am hearing or not hearing them I feel responsible to make everyone aware of this fact. I fear that this is the beginning of the end. There use to be birds every where, flocks of them, no more.
Maybe it's the global warming doing this? I believe the temperature of the air affects their ability to fly and hatch their eggs. 

Wednesday, March 4, 2020


Mental Health

by Vonia Martin

It seems to me that there may be a connection between frontal lobe damage and mental health. I'm probably not the first or only person to make this connection but I want to introduce the idea that most kids from a broken home are mentally impaired. Half the people that are incarcerated are mentally impaired. When I say mentally impaired I mean people that have PTSD from childhood trauma. Most foster children will have PTSD and more than one trauma may have lead to this. Like I've said before, I'm not a doctor nor do I even have a degree but I do have an over active sense of observation. 

Friday, February 28, 2020

Extended Warranty

Or Die

                                                                       by Vonia Martin

Look, this is ridicules, I am not interested in paying more for the extended warranty then I did for my whole car! I do not owe any more money on my car so liability insurance is all I want or need on this car so lower my insurance rate, please. Yes, I am very aware that I am solely responsible for any and all repairs justlike if I still had the warranty! Because guess what the original warranty didn't cover squat so I imagine the extended one won't either. You know why? Extended it is not. It doesn't buy you a warranty that extends to the things that actually do go wrong. Extended in this case is more time more time to not use the warranty due to the fact that nothing it covers ever goes bad, at least not until you're ready for a new one anyway.  

That's the way they make me feel for all the times they have called to sell me the extended warranty on my car. I mean I bought this car like three years ago and that's the last time I was able to answer my phone. Since then these stupid warranty people have hijacked my phone because every time I answer it it is them trying to sell me an extended warranty that didn't cover shit from the beginning and now they want me to pay more then the car is worth to extend a warranty that doesn't cover any more then the original. Another thing is that you can't even block their number because they call from a different one every time. Any more I don't even answer my phone, it's more their phone then mine but I still pay the bill. It's total bullshit because I'm trying to find employment but can't answer my phone for fear the warranty people are on the other end. GIVE ME MY PHONE BACK OR PAY MY BILL!!!!!

Thursday, October 17, 2019


The Grid Sucks

by Vonia Martin

Why are we so hooked on the grid? It's this concept that prevents us from truly being sustainable.
All you need is a bunch of batteries and solar panels oh and the sun. Some how some one needs to figure out how to implement an alternator into the equation I think it could work. Just like in a car, the alternator could help charge the batteries when the meter is moving. Meter or something to tell the alternator to start charging, keeping the batteries always full so you have power into the night.
Granted, batteries aren't the greatest for the environment either but lets face it life isn't good for the environment. You don't need the grid for this but you don't get an oven or drier unless they run on propane, which they do have.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Indigenous People

The People Earth Owns

by Vonia Martin

First, I want to say how truly sorry I am to be a white person, how ashamed of my ancestors I am. White people are almost completely to blame for the state of the world today and American white people are to blame for all that is called 'progress'.  Well, maybe England has had a bigger hand in the beginning of the end for life as we know it. All for what? Money, gold, power? In the name of what? All that is ugly and horrible? Who made white people? Satan? As a race we have single handedly enslaved Africans and brought them to America where we all but eradicated an entire race of Indigenous people, the Native Americans. Not to mention what we did to the tribes in Canada. My soul is sick with what we have done to this planet and the animals that use to thrive here. 
We do nothing to stop global warming while the Indigenous people all over the world are trying everything they can to save this planet but lets face it the damage is done. We have over fished, over hunted, over grown, and over populated the planet with an enormous amount of stupid, disrespectful people.    

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Foster Families Not Children

Keep Kids With Their Families

By V. Martin

The last thing we should be doing is removing children from their homes, separating them from their family. Instead the whole family should be put in foster care until they are ready to stay together. They should take classes and go to therapy to work out whatever their problems are. They may want to take some classes on parenting and how to handle money responsibly to relieve some of the stress that comes with poverty. Kids without families is unacceptable no one will ever take better care of a child than their family. Mostly I am referring to older children in the foster care system what kind of chance do they have? Everything should be done to keep them from entering the system. Then after all other options are exhausted only then will it even be considered as an option. When an older child is abandoned they have no choice but to believe it’s them so the whole family needs to be involved so the child knows it’s not them. It’s their parents, so we need to treat the whole family.