Saturday, March 16, 2024


 Leads To Diabetes 

  By Vonia Martin 2024
  It occurs to me that a lot of medical conditions are new and directly related to fake food. It seems to me the amount of people with diabetes, acid reflux, obesity, and more are at an all time high way more than the generation before. Fake foods do us no good, we are better off starving to death. Faux sugar is not good for us neither is the real stuff, in large quantities. Everything is tied into our health and quality of life is a direct result of one’s health, that is health not wealth. Let’s face it you can live without money but you may not want to live if you suffer poor health. Money buys a lot things in this material world, none of which you can take with you when you die. What we choose to do to ourselves, like the pesticides we continue to use, has a direct and adverse effect on our health. Rachael Carson wrote The Silent Spring in 1964, if memory serves, and I experienced that in 2021. I was completely stunned by the silence, when I walked out of a Home Depot in Broomfield, Colorado, I stopped dead in my tracks and tried to hear what I normal earadvantage I heard nothing. Well, it was strange to say the least especially when just three years prior I was telling the birds to zip it because they woke me up.

  Why don’t we look at the reason so many people are confused about their gender? Have we connected all the pesticides and weed killer to this epidemic? I believe they are. So killing and controlling a species ability to procreate have the same adverse effect on all life. If it doesn’t kill us out right it confuses us to the point we don’t have children. I get our need to prevent deseases and starvation but at what costs? The same as if we had left it alone and just avoided being outside during the times mosquitoes are most active. We could have avoided areas where they are known to nest or if need be use targeted pesticide on specific days to prevent unintentional exposure to pesticides. As a country we have been very irresponsible in our handling and using of dangerous and deadly chemicals. Our government has only one purpose and it’s not to protect its citizens it’s to protect large corporations that some politicians have a stake in. Money is what our government is interested in using its citizens as Guinea Pigs for their sick experiments, they can always get more people. We are expendable in our governments faux mind money is more valuable then people but the people with money decide how much the rest of us are worth.

  Not that people with money are at fault for the general public’s lack of value because as a whole we still out value any corporation but individually life is still cheap. Knowledge is still king next to money because if you’re rich you can hire really smart people with all your buckets of $100 bills. Hopefully, they won’t value your money more than you.  I’m off topic, sorry, all I’m trying to say is that just because someone has a lot of money doesn’t make them smart enough to decide the fate of those working for them. Just because a lot of smart people work for our government doesn’t mean they have the wisdom to decide everyone’s fate. Greed is a desease and it is more contagious than heroine. Money is just a symptom of the desease one that helps it spread like wild fire. Money begets more money. Evil begets more evil. The good news is love begets everything else. Peace begets peace after we love all the hate into love too. Hate and love are actions, verbs that need to be exercised everyday. Practice is key to loving but if we do it everyday peace will follow. Our government has been playing fast and loose with the balance of Mother Nature far too long we need to change our attitude of kill everything and wait for life to return so we can control it right away. Only it never works out that way, life has a mind of its own and no government can predict what might evolve from death until it is all completely extinct. 

   I have a problem with anyone or thing deciding that a system we know is deadly, for example if you turn your car over and let it run with the garage door closed eventually will kill you yet we decide this to be our main form of transportation and heating. Why would we decide to do this when our planet is only so big and it’s round so nothing ever leaves it, unless we send it to space. We share our planet with billions of people with an average IQ of 100 and we give them the right to bare arms, have children, operate heavy machinery, and vote. We let any one have children but we may not let them all keep them.

Saturday, February 10, 2024



  By Vonia Martin 2024

  A few months ago I applied for a writing job, with no hope of getting it yet I did. I was so excited with disbelief I accidentally deleted it. I thought I had blown it because the date on the email was 11/23 and I hadn’t checked my email in a while. I don’t know if I am knowledgeable enough to complete the project because I have no real support or help but I would like to try. 

  You see, I was a foster kid who aged out of the system in AZ. Back then they just cut you loose at 18, with nothing. Some how I managed to survive and try and thrive but everything seemed against me, especially myself. It is so hard for me to imagine being successful or doing anything worth while because I’m not worth while but I am.

Since I dropped the ball, I am thinking about going to Texas and writing about the program they are doing there with their homeless. This way I don’t have to start from scratch trying to find people to help. I know there is no shortage of these people, I just don’t have the resources to make that happen. 

  I am so ashamed and disappointed in myself for missing this opportunity. I am really sorry for those I could have helped with this project. There is no reason for you to give me a second chance except that I could really use it. I believe I can be the voice for my people and their struggles if you can take another chance. 

Wednesday, February 7, 2024


 Lead Is Poison

  By Vonia Martin 2024

  It is beyond me why our government does not do something about lead based ammunition that is poisoning us. Of course it does nothing about our use of fossil fuels either. How much longer can we continue to do nothing. My question mark does not work. Our planet is dying and we continue to kill it as if we can live without it. If you think like Rush Limbaa blah blah blah divine intervention is going to save us all. What a bunch of shit. The only divine intervention that will save us is our governments and or the evolution of the fossil fuel companies to renewable energy. If they would take it upon themselves to switch it would go a long way to saving us all. Change is hard but it can also be inspirational. Inspire us all by leading the way by sacrificing what does not work for what does.
  Big companies make a ton of money but are not held accountable for the harm they cause because a our government protects them. People are under the impression that our government protects us from these companies and the decisions they make especially when they affect us all. Where are all the parents. We continue on like we have no children to consider. We no longer care if we leave a safe, healthy place for our children to grow and become pillars of society. It does not matter wether or not our children can breathe, drink, and eat without suffering. Our government is not for us, the average person, it is for the 1% that does not care about anything but money. It is only concerned with how to keep the wealthy rich, to hell with everything else. Things are bad and getting worse but our government does nothing but support wars going on else where. We cannot continue to throw our resources at things that are so bad for Mother Nature, she should be our priority. We need to find different ways to solve our problems, ones that go against the very fabric or war, death. We need only concern ourselves with sustaining life not ending it.
We have federally abolished abortion now we need to do the same with firearms. We cannot even keep kids alive that are already here how can we keep an unknown amount of unwanted children alive and safe. Question mark. 
  There is something fundamentally wrong with what we are doing when we make women bare children they are not supported by the father or her family to have. Communities better be stepping up to help these women through the whole process including after she gives birth. It’s like with animals our answer to any sick or wounded animal is to put it out of its misery but humans we let suffer without a thought to their quality of life. Unfortunately, the quality of life is judged solely on the amount of money there is to raise a child or provide comfort to those disabled. Ask any child what they would rather have, money or their parents attention.question mark. Mostly they want their parents unless they are teenagers. Lol

Sunday, January 21, 2024


But A Loser

By Vonia Martin 2024

There is nothing more discouraging then myself especially when I apply for writing work and I get it but don’t know because I don’t check my email for two months. Who needs enemies, right? Even if I didn’t expect to get it, which I didn’t, I could have at least checked. In my mind that means I must not want out of this fucked up situation that bad and it’s that bad. I want someone to swoop in and save me but I don’t want to save myself. 
That is just not fair! I don’t know how to do this because no one has ever showed me how. All I know how to do is sacrifice myself which I do on a regular basis and everyone around me lets me.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023


 At fifty five years young

I really feel I have just begun

Even though I have been told

That instead of younger I’m old

Some people age and grow

Becoming cautious and slow

I on the other hand

Learn Spanish and join a band

Unlike my peers I have not

Not even what I have bought

Everything just disappears

Along with all the years

I didn’t even pro create

On occasion I masterbate

They say it’s never too late

If you ask me I can’t relate

To most people with a fate

Better then mine

It’s just a matter of time

Before I commit a crime

Or so they think

But not if you blink

All I’m trying to say

Is tomorrow is another day

Choose to live with love

So you will be above

Other people’s bullshit

Even when it’s lit

On fire

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Phoenix Camelback Hospital

My Roommate

By Vonia Martin

Way back in the mid 80s my adopted momster sent me to mental institutions in her quest to be rid of me. It was a problem because other then the fact that she just got married there was no other reason. Her and her new husband didn’t want to hurt their sterling reputations so the conspired to rid themselves of me. With any luck they will make it appear to be my decision. Lucky them, putting one over on a foster kid, that has got to be a new low for educated society. No? If not , it should be. 
People that adopt a child should not be allowed to give them back just because they met someone and they don’t want the child for what ever reason. It should not be allowed especially when the child is only a few years from adulthood. 
My adopted momster institutionalized me for years before she was allowed to disown me but no one not one person spoke to me about it or what I wanted. The courts really fucked me on the whole deal but now I am back and ready to prove that it was her that made the mistake of disowning me for someone who only wanted your money. Can’t you see that he has none of his own so you are the only way for him to leave anything for his children but first he has to rid you of me. With an heir you would have no reason to leave his children anything and since he didn’t work to leave his kids something he depends on you to do so. You don’t even care as long as you didn’t have to be alone. Well, he more then earned your money he made sure he wouldn’t go to me. 
After everything I’ve been through with you and your empty promises, my real momster and her  child molesting ways, then the joyful foster care system, then being institutionalized, then being disowned and raped by the family that was suppose to protect me, it is a wonder I haven’t gone postal. Or is that what you are pushing for? Get it over with, no one goes through this much and survives unscathed. 
Yet there is no where for me to turn no one I can count on. Not even my momster who adopted me and looked me up 35 years later because she is so terrified of being alone she uses me again to insure her husband’s children will care for her after he dies. 
All it costs her was a car, all it casts me was my soul.
Congratulations, you win. 
Anyway, to my roommate, I am so sorry I tried to Jack your shirts. I should have told your mom she forgot them but I wanted them so I said nothing and I am sorry. You didn’t deserve that and please forgive me. Thank you in advance.
Vonia Martin

Thursday, August 10, 2023


EspeciallyFredrick, CO.

By Vonia Martin. Copyright 2023

Not too long ago I worked for the little liquor store here in town. For some reason, no for a reason they paid me under the table, meaning they took nothing out in taxes or social security. I know they did not pay the gentleman that worked for them at the same time because I saw them had him a pay roll check. 
What I believe happened is that my “boyfriend” convinced him to do it this way 
so I wouldn’t have enough of a return to leave his ass. He probably paid the $985 it costs to file with the government when I had claimed 0 on my W2. 
I have no evidence to prove this suspicion except my checks and a few things my boss said that could not come from anyone other than my “boyfriend”. What it is that he tells people to get them to do these things is beyond me, other than money.
There is nothing I have done, I was a good employee, that would warrant this behavior yet here we are. People do love to hate me and all I have to do is show up.
This may sound paranoid and maybe I am but I swear me “boyfriend” wants to keep me dependent on him so I can’t get away.