Showing posts with label ungrateful. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ungrateful. Show all posts

Monday, May 7, 2018

dear ungrateful,

You should read ‘dear life’ before reading this

By Vonia Martin

Dear ungrateful bitch, 

who do you think you are?
you feel sorry for yourself 
getting your pain from a salad bar
Well, stop going and waiting in line 
just because there is a sign 
that says all you can eat 
Besides isn't your mouth full of your feet?
dear I never asked to be here in the first place,
you resent being part of the human race.
They've got an app for that I keep it six feet under
no life isn't some sort of blunder
It started as a dare and grew from there
I did it on purpose to get even with bitches like you
nagging hag through and through.

As I see it things could have been a lot worse
and will be if you write me and curse
the day you were born and demand
as if I owe you some explanation
Consider this a warning or command
Remember your destination
So what has to happen to make you see?
How sweet and precious life can be
You forget what made you who you are
All the things you bitch about
Like not being a star, as if you have talent
You can handle it I have no doubt
I gave you more than most
So you can burn my fucking toast,  you bitch
Maybe I should have buried you the ditch
I discovered you in but I helped you out
This is the thanks I get?
 You are making me regret
Not leaving you there
And now you dare to write this crap
As if your life is a trap you can’t escape
I’m sorry about the rape but you survived
So suck it up and be glad you’re alive
You ungrateful fuck
Just remember it takes more then luck
To get through this life
Being alone isn’t one of them
if you want life to be bearable
think about what makes it worth living
it isn't in the taking it's in the giving
wouldn't you better serve those that deserve
a helping hand? You've been given how many
chances and yet you demand what? respect?
Try living your life without regret
Never again do I want to detect anything
but gratitude in everything you say and do
nothing obvious not diluted nor concentrate
It must be convincing it's time to put those
acting skills to use you stuck up
couldn't act your way out of a paper bag
pathetic old fool? Maybe next time I will
let you drown in your own drool
just to be rid of your sorry ass or should I say
ass-less? Inverted ass is more like it
Should I go on or have you had enough?
Oh and stop trying to act so tough
everyone knows your just a pussy
takes one to know one you less than less
You're the one that got you into every mess
so don't get all picky and fussy or I'll drop you
in the first pile of shit I come to you old slut
Now that you're all used up and no one wants to even
look at you let alone listen to your sniveling ass
that's a given I'll take a pass on that freak show
besides I've seen it from the front row.
Remember the pile of puke you slipped in
yeah, what a sin, I can still smell it in your hair
life will never be fair. you're right I have a lot of nerve
but some one needs to say what needs to be said
I'm tempted to put more then a clip in your head
Hey look you have all but one of you own teeth
I'd say that's proof I never want you beneath
anything other then my boot, mat, or thumb
you may not be a genius but you act like a dick
you can take your attitude and stick it where ever
it might hurt the most about you I'll never boast
can't even burn a decent piece of toast so suck and swallow
you're about as hallow as a chocolate easter bunny
that joke is never funny give me a solid easter rabbit
it and kiss my baby smooth because I just had it waxed
and my asshole bleached don't let me hear you preach
or I'll make you lick it as you should before you fuck
someone over now where was I oh yeah ripping you
a new one don't mistake my kindness for stupidity
all I can think to rhythm with that is lucidity
my stupid is showing and it may even be growing
things don't make less sense I am more senseless
things aren't more senseless I make more sense
I'll come back to that or it's best to let that one go
for now I must do the same but look on the bright
side you've made it this far isn't it time to get to the
main course? Do you really want to die not ever
really lived? Do you want to always take?
or learn how to give? Of yourself and your time.
life can change on a dime so stop wasting what's left.
Try being the example not the exception
Live like everyone is watching.