Showing posts with label rest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rest. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Why do men stand to pee?

It's Disgusting 

by Vonia Martin

Besides your penis is only as clean as your hands, so you may want to wash them before and after!!!!
I believe this is one of the reasons men are getting the corona virus ansd other illnesses more then women. Urinals are dirty and promote germs. It also is when they don't wash their hands, after using the urinal. 

It occurs to me that it would make more sense if men would, at least, sit to pee at home. It would eliminate them accidentally leaving the toilet seat up, therefore no more risk of the lady(ies) falling in. Also, give men a well deserved rest and time to check their phone without risking it falling in while hovering over the toilet. It's a win, win if you ask me so give it a try. 

Urinals are disgusting, have a seat instead. I get that when out guys find it easier to use the urinals but they are gross and if they had to clean them...If they had to go number 2 they would have to use the toilet, so use it to pee too. Just wash your hands after, no matter which you use. That's another thing, maybe we should wash our hands before and after we use public facilities.

In my opinion this is something we need to evolve out of because it doesn't make sense. There are very few penises that are long enough to hit water when they sit because what would they do when they poop? so this is not a viable excuse.
Why men want to have their back to any door is beyond me. Especially, with their pants unzipped and their mini me sticking out that is a little too vulnerable, if you ask me, but I'm just a girl.
These days one can't be too careful, when using public bathrooms, telephones, publications, municipal buildings, court, and you get the picture. All these solutions to solving the problem of spreading germs and/or illnesses is limited to how clean the water is you're using to wash. The temperature of the water isn't as important as they want you to believe. Clean, real clean is only achieved via ROH2O (reverse osmosis).
You may be wondering why you should believe anything I've written here, you shouldn't. The more you have your own experience with ROH2O the more you will believe. The important part is getting people started, most can't get there mind around the idea that there is such a huge difference in an extremely, microscopically, hardly even registers on any scale between tap and ROH2O or even between ROH2O and other bottled waters. For me that's simple, there just is. Period, end of my story. The rest is up to all of you. What fun would it be if I had all the answers? Oh wait, I do ROH2O, mother fuck, what does a girl have to do to get this concept through? Starting sentences with "I" sucks but so does life. I do not expect credit so get over yourselves and get to it. It's not like I invented the stuff or am even the first to realize how perfectly simple the answer is to everything. It took me 50 years to get my head around it and maybe I'm the last to know but if I am why am I the one telling all of you? It makes sense once you make that last turn into The Realization that ROH2O water really is everything. It may be what carries our souls in and out of our conscience. Conscience is a cool word because of the science at its root. The same with the sub conscience. Even though science can't answer why we have a conscience or how we came about to developing one or what we are supposed to do with it. However, we know why we have a sub conscience and that is to keep our conscience from self destructing or running amok while keeping our conscience from knowing we have an internal conflict at all. Normal people do this automatically but damaged people don't always have this ability. We never know what one thing or combination of things that will create that perfect storm that permanently scares someone or if they are simply born that way. It's also interesting that science recognizes the conscience part of what makes up a human being when it's not something they can see, touch, or fix. It's not even present in everyone or at least to the same degree but in most. What is interesting is that everyone has a sub conscience and because of the lack of data on the subject I get to claim at the same degree as everyone else.  It is the one thing that people without a conscience can't understand why they can't shake their sub conscience only they aren't aware that this is their inner turmoil. We mistakenly think these people are crazy because likely they are carrying on a conversation with them selves maybe even an argument. These conversations can literally lead to the person taking their own life, which might be just what needs to happen. People without conscience are usual capable of anything. Here we go down the rabbit hole.

Please and thank you,
V. Martin