Thursday, August 10, 2023


Minimize The Government

I get that we have all these government agencies to protect us from ourselves but who is protecting us from our government? They want us to believe they know what is best for us when in fact they know nothing.

They are not what is best for us. We are suppose to be able to protect ourselves against any outside or inside threat. Lately, the police are as bad as mass shooters. I refer to them as legal criminals. Criminals that are legally committing crimes against its most vulnerable citizens, minorities. As a society we condone this behavior because we think it works, when in fact it is holding us back as a society. If we were really conscious we would stop this deployable behavior and really help those in need. They have been screaming for help for so long we don’t even hear their screams any more. 

The truth is quiet unless it is being ignored then it becomes what ever it has to be to get heard. If that means yelling at the top of my lungs so be it, I will yell.  If it means sacrificing myself for the truth so be it. All I want is to make life better for my people. My people are anyone who has ever been in the foster care system. Anyone who has been institutionalized including prison. Anyone who is homeless or incarcerated, any non violent criminal is my sister or brother. Some of you violent ones are too but I condemn any violence acted against another who is not violent themself.

Leave Trump alone, we had laws in place to keep our formal leaders out of jail. If we do this to him we have to go back as far as they are alive and press charges against all of them too because they can’t serve in office without breaking some laws. It’s why we exempt them while they are in office. Don’t misunderstand me, I am not condoning what he did but other presidents have done worse. Biden you to pardon him.

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