By V. Martin copyright 2023
Not too long ago, I emailed or posted a request to Bill Gates that his algorithms are limiting the people that are most limited already, making it almost impossible for us to get anywhere in the world. Then recently I saw a program on PBS talking about the fact that that is the case. Only she was referring to her people, chocolate colored or just people of color. Of course, I was referring to my people no one’s people, foster people or people without families. Trust me, if you don’t have a family you are no one in this world. When the internet and computers came out, I thought great, finally a place my people can go and be someone. A place where they judge you on your work not your personality or lack there of but on your thinking and ideas. A place where they can’t steal your ideas from you once it is posted online but that is only if you are really online and people can find you online.
I believe I blog and blog and nothing. Some people may have access but most do not. I say this because I have looked and searched online for an idea I have had, to make sure it wasn’t someone else’s already. When nothing came back I hurried and posted it only for it to not be posted but now belongs to someone else. So either Google is holding onto my blogs in order to steal my ideas or there is an algorithm working against me because it can.
A year or two ago I saw a commercial online about a bracelet from one of the big jewelry stores that was my idea like 25 plus years ago. So I got online and looked myself up and lo and behold someone with my name had died the day before. So that’s why they were advertising my bracelet because they thought I was dead. So, oh that’s right I blogged about it because I was already suspicious that the internet was working against me. It sucks because companies outlive us all but ideas are forever. What sucks even more is that there is nothing I can do about it and they know it. When you have no family there is little anyone wants to do with you accept to steal from you so as a rule you have very little. You learn to act stupid so they won’t steal your ideas but you always slip. No it’s not that you slip its just that it doesn’t occur to you that someone would steal someone else’s idea. You mistakenly think this excludes you but it doesn’t.
Most recently, I have had to file for unemployment and it too is rigged against people like me. It is such a circle jerk and by the time you realize it your whole day is gone. They, the unemployment people or algorithm, keeps denying me for one reason or another making it impossible for me to get anywhere let alone receive unemployment. I have been working since I was 15 years old paying into these safe guards the whole time only to be denied at age 54 for insurance I need to pay my bills and eat.
I didn’t plan on getting fired after I put my two week notice in but that is what happened and they won’t approve my unemployment. It has already been almost three months with no money and my savings is gone. They really don’t want to approve my claim. They state on their website that I am responsible for asking for unemployment every week even if you are not approved or ineligible except there is no way to do so. I have gone over and over all the qualifications and can’t understand why they haven’t given me the money, which isn’t even enough for someone to pay rent with. It’s my money why do I have to beg for it?
What happens to the money if I’m never approved for it? Do they put it towards your funeral when you die? Or do they give it as part of your estate? No! They keep it to give it to someone else that they deem more deserving than you.
I call that stealing just like all insurance, legalized theft. Paying, in advance, for shit that may never happen and when it doesn’t happen they just keep all that money, leaving poor people poorer. Of course, poor people’s insurance rates are much higher because, you guessed it, because they are poor. It’s just another way they get your money for nothing.
If this denial has something to do with IHOP and the fact that I did a no call no show it’s because the manager embarrassed me in front of the whole restaurant. He implied that I was incapable of doing my job and proceeded to wait on a large table himself, rather than help me do my job in a more efficient, timely manner. Everyone in the restaurant heard him tell the cooks that he would be waiting on the big top table because it was better than letting V do it, to another employee he said this. Other employees had been bullying me and making fun of me and I ignored it because I got the sense, from the manager, my complaints would go unheard. So, I didn’t bother to show up. Not only that they wanted me to be a manager which I didn’t want to do and told them so the first time but I gave in the second time. Mostly I didn’t want to because I would have to work nights and I just don’t drive as well at night because it’s harder to see. I mean I can drive at night but I don’t like to because I have a hard time seeing.
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