Saturday, May 25, 2019

Higher Education

Does Not Equal Higher Intelligence

by V. Martin. 2019

Not too long ago I went back to college at a local community college, I won't give the exact college but they will know who they are.  The first time I got a D which is passing but not for my degree, they are hoping I will change my degree because I didn't get a C or better. So, I took it again. Really, I should have dropped the course and tried again in the fall but I'm stubborn and since I already took it, but I got an F. The professor wasn't interested in teaching me in fact had accused me of having ADHD or some other personalty disorder when in fact I am dyslexic. 
During the entire summer class I participated whenever she paused to let someone answer it was I who called out the right answer, most of the time. It was getting so other students were starting to notice. In Math lab I stopped going because she would obviously ignore me when I had a question or was stuck on a problem. All I can think of is that I missed an appointment with her on a weekend day and I totally forgot until recently. Even still, not to even care but to make fun of me with the other students? Uncalled for but I could hear them as I left the classroom in search of the HR department to drop off the surveys we were asked to take. I told them what my professor did. The fact that I displayed all the classic signs of someone who has dyslexia but is accused of having some other disability that require drugs and at age 50 by someone who isn't qualified is ridiculous.
Just because I switched schools hoping for a fairer shake at a sister campus did not pan out like I had hoped. So all I can do now is test out of this stupid Math class and hope I can take the test in another country.
The first Math professor I had for this same class was a module class the one I got a D in. She decided not to log all our lab hours, which is how they determine if you qualify for a tutor, when I asked for one they sent me to a math lab. I was already spending ten to twelve extra hours a week in math lab but no hours were showing up and no-one told me this was why I didn't get a tutor. It wasn't until almost the end of the semester before they assigned me a tutor and by then it was too late. So you tell me what you think? She knew I was trying to get a tutor, I told her as much but all she did was move me to the other side, where the students for Math 050 sat. Now that I think about it I really got a C the first time if they were to grade it at a normal level because I had accidentally signed up for advanced classes which has a different grading scale 100-95% is an A B is 95-85% a C is 85-75 and a D is 75-65 and I got 73% which is a C in a normal class.  The same goes for my CSI, maybe not, I got a C in it and a low one at that but that's another thing, a C? Really? In CSI? 
To hell with it no one wants to teach a 50 year old woman with dyslexia and an IQ of 137. They all think I should know it all but I don't. I know less than more. 

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