Wednesday, January 3, 2018

B&L or Brad's Tire and Repair in Frederick

If you notice I had low profile tires before but now they are normal. I believe this was intentional so I wouldn't notice the space left by putting smaller rims in back.

The tires I had before Brad's/B&L or whatever their name is were P235/55R16 and P215/60R16, I believe but could be wrong but I know for a fact before I had them tow it while it was still running the rims and tire on the back were bigger because I switched them since the front one had a chunk missing from the rim and several cuts in the tire and the rear is lighter. I thought it would be safer since I was driving on it but the back one was visibly larger when switched with the front so put them back. Also if I had had these cheap faux rims that I have now thanks to Brad's or B&L when the car theives drove it into the building it would have fallen apart just like it's doing now though I've hit nothing. 
The biggest chunk missing is at the top and at an angle it looks more like a balancing weight but in the top pic you can see it better on the side.

These are the wheels I had before B&L Tire and repair
I also had larger tires in the back because it was an option at the time
After B&L I have cheap rims all the same size.

 Not only do I have different cheaper rims my engine, which was just rebuilt, leaks oil all over the place. Not to mention it doesn't handle the same.

To clarify; My 2001 Camaro was stolen, in police chase, then drove into a building. I finally got it back in 2015, drove it for about 3-4 months then it wouldn't start and it sat for almost a year. My Mom said she would help get it fixed so I called B&L here in Frederick to tow it to their garage, which they did. I needed it to start and I needed a new tire and rim since the one on the passenger side front was missing a chunk from the rim and there were several cuts in tire.  I had low profile tires which was an option for the V8 even though I have a V6 plus bigger rims and tires in the back.
I have pictures of the engine before B&L but I'm having trouble locating them but will add as soon as I do.
I'm just a little pissed off by all this. As if having the car stolen once wasn't bad enough, now I feel as though it's been stolen all over again.
I'm not some spoiled brat that has everything handed to me, I've had to work hard for the little bit I have. As you can see I've done most of the cosmetic work myself but the engine and tires and one wheel I trusted B&L/Brad's to take care of. My adopted Mother had just found me after 35 years and her first kind act was to pay them to rip me off. Shame on all of them!!!!!Shame on all you over there at B&L/Brad's, I should of been suspicious when they had two names for the same business.
Here are some pictures of the receipt she gave me. Keep in mind that my Mom paid and this was ready for me when I picked up my car. Also, the reason why it took me so long to realize what they had done is; one I trusted them to be a reputable business so I didn't think they would do something like this. Two; they hid it well by changing from low profile to regular tires so it went unnoticed until I had them rotate the tires.
This is exactly the way I received the receipt from Laura.
Who could read this? I can't and I believe that's the whole point.
Never did they offer me my old rim, even though I have no spare.
I believe they repaired it and sold all 4 as a set, worth over $3,000.

If anyone can read this, please, let me know what it says because all I can make out is"your fucked".
I will continue to look for more pictures and post them as I find them but seriously don't take your car to them before you take pictures of every inch to compare to when you get it back.

The first picture is after B&L the second is before B&L just the rims and tires is all I'm concerned with.

This is a picture after I tried to rotate the tires putting the chipped rim and cut tire in the back. 

1 comment:

  1. People that steal from foster kids will enjoy a special place in hell!!!!!!!
