Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Muddying the Pool

Who Is A Sex Offender

by V. Martin copyright 2017

When I first heard about registered sex offenders I thought that it's about time we started keeping track of them.  Then I found out that you're a sex offender if you get caught urinating in public.  Not in front of but say you duck behind a building and someone sees you and calls the cops you're now considered a sex offender.  I know, right?  You're probably thinking the same thing I am, how can any body take the registry serious when you have bladder offenders mixed in with sexual deviants.  Hold on, this is very important that I'm not the only one who is disturbed by this.  After thinking about it for some time I've come to the realization that they are muddying the pool.  You see the muddier the pool the easier it is to hide among them the wider the cops have to cast their net.  You wonder, well how can a sex offender change the laws to protect them, not persecute.  Using the process of elimination the only thing that makes sense is that there are some sexual predators in office.  Either that or some sex offenders have the goods on some people in office. Giving the powers that be the benefit of the doubt about their sins. There maybe a couple of judges, congressmen, senators, or who knows, using their position of trust to molest children so it would benefit them to muddy the pool.  All I can say is that we're on to you anyway.
In my opinion our prisons should be reserved for murders and sex offenders/pedophiles if there's no room kick one of the non-violent offenders out to make room.  These predators can't be fixed.  There is no reforming them, no pill we can give them to make them better.  They should never be let out of prison. They hide among us but if we look closer we can determine who they are. Pay attention to any and all who surround children. Not only should their background be checked but they should be observed for a few weeks to determine their behavior, behavior tells you everything you need to know about a person. Behavior doesn't lie people do! Just don't tell them when you will be observing them but that at some time they will be. Really, we should all be paying attention to behaviors and questioning people that exhibit senseless behavior. If we care to pay attention to not only the behavior of adults but also to children's as well.
Children change their behavior for many reasons but almost always will, within a few days, revert to their normal routine. If they don't now it's time to worry and start asking questions. If the child isn't opening up you may need to try an indirect approach. Sometimes telling a story about another child that had gone through a similar situation helps them to speak up. If that doesn't work find one that does because until they do the abuse will continue.
They have to know they can do something about it when some one is doing something bad to them. They need to know how to defend themselves if ever they find themselves in need to do so. Flight, Fight, or Freeze don't let your child do the last show them what to do if they can't flee. Most monsters that target kids are nothing more then a sissy, they pick on defenseless children because they are afraid of anyone that might hurt them back.

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