Monday, September 30, 2024


But Never Swallows

 By Vonia Martin

About a year ago I had won some money gambling so I put some torward my credit cards and invested, or at least I thought I was, in myself and this idea I have for a wig.  Since I have no people or family I really didn't know what else to do to get my idea off the ground. I decided to look into partnering with Davidson and the way their add is worded I believe it to cost $650 which I gave them.  Of course, that was not all the money I had to give them, for what I do not know because all I got was some lame ass papers that claimed to have a patent on my idea. There was not one date on these patents and I suspect that Davidson filed them right after I told them about my idea. By this time they had over $2,650 of my hard earned money. Again, all I get are these patents with no date that are way better then what Davidson gave me for mine. When I mentioned this I got some excuse and was told when I received some papers in the mail, supposedly worth another $2,000, to just throw away the return mail slip so I could not give them any feedback on what I received. This is not what I thought I signed up for as far as I can tell they do nothing for a lot of money. So now I have given them half of what they require to put my idea before interested investors $6,650 with nothing more to show for it. These people are in the business of stealing people's ideas and their money on top of that. They want you to believe they are your partners when in fact they are your enemy keep your ideas and your money, Davidson sucks!