Tuesday, April 16, 2024


 Forgive Me

  By Vonia Martin 2024

   It occurred to me long after I received the email from CBS informing me that I got the job to write about my experience with housing some homeless people. At first I thought it was the Colorado Sun but after watching CBS morning news I realized they are the ones who hired me.

   The email I received was so vague I didn’t know what to do next but deleting wasn’t what I wanted but I did exactly that. I scoured my inbox for any other correspondence but found none. You have no idea how sick I am over all this because I really needed this gig. I am going back over my deleted emails so hopefully I will find it. All I can say is that who ever sent it didn’t want me to have the job for whatever reason.

Well, forget that my trash deletes emails over 30 days old and this one would qualify. Plus if I remember correctly it deleted itself so what is up with that? I am also suspicious of someone hacking my email because there should have been one from CBS telling me what to do next, how to go about writing and submitting my stories every day or once a week, how ever often they wanted me to submit an article. Or maybe these are things taught in college, I just don’t know. I did go to college but not for writing.
Anyway, I so very much want the job still. Please send all the grant information as well. Thank you in advance. 
If for some reason the person sending the emails doesn’t want me to have the job for whatever reason please get over it. I really, really need to do this not only for the homeless but for myself as well since one day I will be one of them, if I don’t get this gig.
I have a new phone number 303/564-3927 texting is best since I won’t recognize the number. Again, thank you.