Lead Is Poison
By Vonia Martin 2024
It is beyond me why our government does not do something about lead based ammunition that is poisoning us. Of course it does nothing about our use of fossil fuels either. How much longer can we continue to do nothing. My question mark does not work. Our planet is dying and we continue to kill it as if we can live without it. If you think like Rush Limbaa blah blah blah divine intervention is going to save us all. What a bunch of shit. The only divine intervention that will save us is our governments and or the evolution of the fossil fuel companies to renewable energy. If they would take it upon themselves to switch it would go a long way to saving us all. Change is hard but it can also be inspirational. Inspire us all by leading the way by sacrificing what does not work for what does.
Big companies make a ton of money but are not held accountable for the harm they cause because a our government protects them. People are under the impression that our government protects us from these companies and the decisions they make especially when they affect us all. Where are all the parents. We continue on like we have no children to consider. We no longer care if we leave a safe, healthy place for our children to grow and become pillars of society. It does not matter wether or not our children can breathe, drink, and eat without suffering. Our government is not for us, the average person, it is for the 1% that does not care about anything but money. It is only concerned with how to keep the wealthy rich, to hell with everything else. Things are bad and getting worse but our government does nothing but support wars going on else where. We cannot continue to throw our resources at things that are so bad for Mother Nature, she should be our priority. We need to find different ways to solve our problems, ones that go against the very fabric or war, death. We need only concern ourselves with sustaining life not ending it.
We have federally abolished abortion now we need to do the same with firearms. We cannot even keep kids alive that are already here how can we keep an unknown amount of unwanted children alive and safe. Question mark.
There is something fundamentally wrong with what we are doing when we make women bare children they are not supported by the father or her family to have. Communities better be stepping up to help these women through the whole process including after she gives birth. It’s like with animals our answer to any sick or wounded animal is to put it out of its misery but humans we let suffer without a thought to their quality of life. Unfortunately, the quality of life is judged solely on the amount of money there is to raise a child or provide comfort to those disabled. Ask any child what they would rather have, money or their parents attention.question mark. Mostly they want their parents unless they are teenagers. Lol