By V. Martin copyright 2023
Why do we think companies are going to be willing to make less money by paying their employees
more? It’s just not going to happen, so every time minimum wage goes up, so do all the prices to off set
The “losses” companies fore see due to having to pay their employees more because it doesn’t just stop
with minimum wage earners. In this case we expect water to run up hill, defying gravity and all known physics and order of all things, shit runs down hill, not up. Why would people knowingly now make minimum wage when they made above that the day before? Or continue to let someone who made minimum wage the year before make more then you now? Why? So the company can maintain its bottom line and the poverty gap narrows? Who’s falling for this bullshit?
In my opinion inflation is out of control because minimum wage is increasing on a schedule the next few years and companies want to get ahead of this never mind all the expense of going green. Any reason to keep the poor right where they have always been, making money for the 1%. It’s pretty fucking obvious, if truth be told, anything to get our money for nothing. What do we need it for anyway? Look what we spend the little bit we get? Booze and pot? Why? To forget what slaves we all still are? There is another way.
Bitcoin is a start but it’s ultimately following in the dollars footsteps. Monetary dynamics are at its end.
It’s just not sustainable nor is its ill gotten gains. We are raping and pillaging our only parent, Mother Earth. Our fathers only saw an endless supply of natural resources their families and friends could cash in on and boy have they. Unfortunately, they have left nothing but death, destruction, and diseases in their wake. Their companies and families will out live us mere mortals so to make sure they always have the upper hand they will always out live any one person with a few good marketable ideas. They can hear everything we say, they can see everything we type and text so they can sell us things we don’t really need. But they need our money so they tell us what to buy and now with subscriptions they know what we are going to buy and when and how much and what to sell us next before we even know we need it. CRAZY.
Most of the shit we have to have is just that SHIT! If I can’t take it with me when I die, do I really need it? Or even better still is it really mine? I came into this world with nothing and we all go out the same way and everything in between, other than the experience itself, is all borrowed and doesn’t belong to any of us. I know some of us will be irresponsible and immature enough to want to use and abuse ( rape and pillage) so they get their fair share of what’s left. You know this is all she has left to sustain, we don’t even know how many can remain without harming her anymore, she will decide that. I think she is holding out as long as she can with the hope we will pull our heads out of our asses and stop with the greed. Greed is not good, greed is ugly, selfish, unsustainable, and stupid. People with money should only have the upper hand in that they get to decide what world problem they want to fund and solve for the good of all man kind.
It is our duty to help those weaker than ourselves, honor is the reward for serving them. What is more humble than that? What act more gracious? Yet I am told by those closest I lack both. Yet their examples are lacking to produce a working model of any of the traits they say I lack duty, honor, humility, and grace. My response is always the same; be the example not the exception. What I really believe is going on they themselves are lacking and instead of working on themselves they try to tear me down. What they fail to realize is that there is no further down then where I’m already at, except six feet under. Have you ever tried to tear something down lower than yourself? Not so easy. So do you step down or raise everything up first?