Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Remarkable Markel

 Sparkle and Shine

  By Vonia Martin copyright 2023

   Along time ago I was faced with some choices
   My eyes were closed but I could hear the voices
   Telling me to do no good, yes I understood
   It wasn’t hard to figure out, that I have no doubt
   Truth is simple, not complicated but easy
   Life, not so much, it’s not easy or breezy
   It’s a big pile of shit with sleazy 
   On top just don’t drop
   The mic until you’re a winner
   Winner not to be confused with sinner
   Not many of us are remarkable
   Except the lovely Megan Markel
   She stands with her people
   Along with her man 
   He’s not just any man 
   But a prince
   Together they shine
   A light on what needs to change
   Admitting all the attention is strange
   But as long as they have it 
   They will reveal and admit
   We have along way to go
   If we want to ever know
   Our world without hate
   Love is the only state
   To be in
   It’s not confusing 
   so don’t complicate
   A world that can sparkle
   Along with H and M. Markel
   Can’t be all bad
   Nor are they a fad
   But here to stay
   Someone has to lead the way
   If we want to breathe another day.
   So rock on our only royalty
   Even if you half belong to another country.

Sunday, February 19, 2023


 As They Grab Your Arm And Hit You With It

 By Vonia Martin copyright 2023

Just when I thought I had met every type of person there could be, I am confronted with another. Evolution is a bitch until we get it right. There in’t much right about this type of being if you are vulnerable but nothing wrong if you are not. They may spend their entire life not knowing what a monster they are. Let me rephrase that, they will never know what a monster they are because to them they are perfect, it is the weak that are flawed. They believe it is their duty to rid the world of the likes of me, the unwanted, the noones, the orphans, the famililess. We are the cause of all crime because what choice do we have? I’m not referring to the adopted ones at least not the ones that are adopted at birth. The ones that knew their parents or at least their Mom before going into the system, you are who I’m referring to. 
Not much changes when you are afraid you may not even survive the day, after day. Until it does. One day the prey decides to talk to anyone who will listen to discuss how they might become safer. The predator then adapts to these changes but what would happen if the prey one day decides to stop running? What if instead of running does something nice for the one hunting them? Like gathering some fruits and veggies for the predator to eat? More like the lion and the mouse. Love and kindness can tame even the king of the jungle but violence begets more violence. Love begets more love, you figure it out.
Only by the time you do it will be too late. I’m trying any and every tactic I can think of to get people to notice that our planet is dying and to make sacrifices now, maybe even a lot of them. Definitely changes have to be made by everyone, solutions must be thought of and experiments must be conducted in a responsible manner but fast. 
I keep telling myself that I don’t care. Good riddance to bad rubbish (meaning humans) yet I find myself brainstorming ideas with myself hoping I may think of something that will trigger something in someone who actually knows what the fuck they are doing and talking about that leads to a thought that triggers a thought and so on. Meaning that I don’t expect to solve any real problems just make those that are aware of the problems they are probably already aware of and solving as I type. LOL That’s all nothing less or lesser. It’s all I have so throw a girl a bone.
As you and anyone else who may read this shit on a semi regular basis know I am no professional anything, I don’t even have a degree. What I do have is an over active sense of common sense and that sixth one as well. Extraperceptive. You have to be to survive the system, no it’s not the system it’s surviving after the system.

Thursday, February 2, 2023

WillSmith; I got this

Let Him Off The Hook

By Vonia Martin

Please understand this is my opinion, I am not a professional, anything. Yet listen to me anyway because if you think about it I make perfect sense just like the truth should.
Will Smith reacted to an extremely stressful situation brought on by his nomination for best actor. We need to remember how few and far between these awards have made it to those that truly deserve them. Will’s worst nightmare manifested itself at exactly the right moment to have maximum effect. The last thing he wanted to do was exactly what he ended up doing, almost as though he couldn’t help it. No matter how much he practiced and rehearsed, centuries of doubt and muscle memory was festering beneath his well groomed and 
posture. None of his acting skills could save him from this personal reaction. 
Will doesn’t even know why he did what he did, exactly. I believe this is a phenomenon that occurs during times of extreme stress with little to no examples from ancestors, history, or friends. 
It is hard to say if Will will agree with me (mostly I wanted to type Will’s will. LOL) He probably wants to move on from this as he should. His positive, uplifting energy has inspired countless young men, black and every other color, to be better and give back. Me included and I’m an old lady. We should not “get rid” of someone who has clearly demonstrated, up until the time of the incidence, someone with morals and values beyond reproach. Even in the aftermath he stated he was defending his wife’s honor, we choose not to excuse him? Why? Because he is black?
In my opinion this could only happen to someone in Will’s unique situation. True, it should not be unique when you look at the contributions my chocolate bothers and sisters have made in everyone’s lives. 
Yo, Tyler, don’t go thinking that I’m writing this just to kiss your ass, I’m not. You just, no actually it was the guy that wrote the post who inspired to write what I’ve been thinking since the Oscars about what happened to Will. Like I said I could be way wrong and in which case hahaha, what do I know?
My other thought on this is that white people are threatening affluent chocolate people to behave badly in public so they can point their fingers and say “See, what did we tell you, savages.” Or is that what they said about our native people? 
The only reason I’m close to this situation is because I have been living with this phenomenon since I was six years old. Just like prayer, what people think and believe on a mass scale definitely effects the ones they think about. Prayer in reverse. It can have a long lasting influence on those not so close to the subject.
What I really want to say is to Will himself; you are better then this, do not let it define you but let it guide you to a deeper understanding of what you and others like you have to face by being successful. You have the unique opportunity to speak, to those fallowing in your foot steps, about how it could easily happen to them. Now let’s you and the rest of the world look forward to what you will, pun intended, do next.