By V. Martin
If the government and other lenders really want to help the children of tomorrow stop charging interest on student loans. How irresponsible of us to allow this! Isn’t it hard enough as it is to make it in the world today without starting off in debt? If we have to pay interest on the knowledge we gain from a higher education then all further knowledge on that subject will be free for as long as they are being charged interest on the money it took to gain that knowledge. Or something like that. People that are not able to make a living from the knowledge they gained in college should not be charged interest. Those that are should have to pay interest as long as they make money from that knowledge even after the loan is paid.
No one wants to be made to pay back money they never borrowed yet that is exactly what is happening to me. Not only did I not borrow money for school that year I had dropped out before the tuition deadline but I’m being charged for it anyway. On top of that none of the money I have paid so far has been subtracted from the balance. Now who would continue to pay on a loan they never got and the one they did get never goes down no matter how much has been pay? No one!
They hook you by promising student loan forgiveness but they do not mean it. All they mean to do is take more of your money, make it look like you just got the loan, and have made no payment. Try getting any where in life with bad credit. My boyfriend has a bankruptcy on his credit but his credit score is higher than mine! WTF? All that is on my credit is this stupid student loan and yet it is enough to make my interest rates 23-25% on the few credit cards I qualify for. My car insurance for just liability was $70 a month because of my poor score. Never have I used any of the knowledge gained by taking the classes I will never be able to pay for to make money.
My last point on the subject, I promise.
I aged out of the system in Arizona after they let my adopted mom disown me after meeting and marrying a man who didn’t want me there. So the state of Arizona became my parent and therefore should pay for my higher education, like any good parent would. Even if I was a poor student as long as I was trying, they might of even got me a tutor to ensure my success. As it was no one helped me even when it was obvious I needed it.
What’s wrong with you people that you let someone like me slip through the cracks? What bullshit did you tell yourself in order to make it alright to throw me under the bus? I am not like other people!!!!