Also, the trash and waste from the house could be used to generate energy to power, hopefully, everything. Of course, power companies wouldn't be happy but they would just have to evolve like the rest of us. Because if we don't do something it is going to get worse. Pure water can solve so much. I'm convinced it is my calling in life to get the message across to as many people that I can. No one is going to listen to me who am I? No one but me and I'm telling anyone who will listen to study water, pay attention, even if you can't afford to. You will be amazed, as I am, at the power of pure ROH2O nothing else. You can add a drop of whatever cleaner you want but only a drop or two. The reason HE washers are high efficiency due to the on board filtration systems. I'm not sure what kind but it is why you only need a fraction of the detergent and why it doesn't need an agitator, anymore.
All that probably belonged on my other blog but oh well.