By V. Martin
Wake-up women and stop being depentant on make up to feel good about yourselves.
Isn’t that part of the problem? We tell girls to love themselves the way they are then in the same breathe we tell them they can only achieve this by putting this mask on every time we leave the house. It’s these messages that confuse young ladies and make them question their self worth.
Make-up, in my opinion is false advertising.
Most men I’ve met don’t like make-up. They can’t even tell we have any on until they find it on their shirt and sheets, if you happen to get lucky. After a life time of wearing the stuff I’ve decided that we don’t wear make-up to attacked men but we wear it for other women. It’s like war paint.
Only other women are going to judge you, men are just trying to decide if, when, and how long they are going to fuck you. Believe me, make-up has nothing to do with it! What really bugs other women is not wearing make-up at all. This they don’t understand. Real confidence doesn’t need make-up. Unfortunately, when commerce is king even our self image is up for sale. What we may want to think about is all the people no children we could be helping with the money we spend on make-up. If I had all the money I’ve spent on make-up over the years, I could have fed many children with that money!
I’ve been very selfish all my life, thinking only of myself and my unbarable pain. Guess what it is barable but what isn’t is how I’ve done nothing to help others. I shouldn’t talk because I still buy and wear make-up but not everyday, every other maybe and I have yet to help anyone with the money I save. I am thinking about it, though.